Chapter 27 - Stress

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Anti's P.O.V

It's been a few hours have passed. We're starting to become really hungry, and were about to leave. Jack definitely kept his "promise", as he sat next to me, with me at the end. Whether it was a casual hug or practically laying across my lap, he kept Dark and Ledson away. Felix and the others kept joking, asking about our brotherly relationships. "How are you two so close?" and "Are you guys actually siblings?" some of the many questions the others had.

Jack would explain with some basic answers like "We've always been close", or "Just because he may be a demon doesn't mean I don't love him." He would smile at me, and I smiled back, and nod at the others.

So when it came time to leave, I immediately was given a hug by Ledson. Everyone except Jack and Felix seemed surprised. It was well known that Ledson isn't a openly affectionate person. He rarely ever gave hugs unless he cared deeply about you, and even then it was in a private setting.

"It was good to see you again Anti." He mumbled as he squeezed me tighter.

"I enjoyed seeing you too! We should meet up more often." I said that as the hug finished, because I knew he was to shy to offer it. He smiled, and mumbled something about texting me later.

Everyone was walking to the door. Casually, Dark reached for my hand, but Jack pulled me forward with him. He gave Dark an inquisitive look look, as if he was silently asking him to give me space. I pretended not to notice the exchange. It was rude of me to ignore Dark, but I was still stressing out from hanging out with so many people. Felix chuckled, and starting wishing Mark and Jack farewell. He glanced at me, and gave me a look I can't completely describe, but it looked like a mix of regret and apologetic. I didn't understand it, but he wished me well. I awkwardly nodded, and wished him the same. We were walking back the mall, because that's where we had left the cars. The sky was orange color, slowly bleeding into a purple-ish color. I rarely ever leave the house, so seeing the town like this was wonderful. The street light were turning on, lighting the path back.

I let go of Jack's hand, and ran a little ways ahead. I heard Mark say something to Jack and Dark, so I assumed they were starting a conversation. I made sure to watch where I was going, but I was just enjoying myself. After a few minutes, I saw a ice cream shop. It was still open, and I really wanted some. I paused to let the others catch up. I started to debate whether it was a good idea to ask the others, but Jack cut through my thoughts.

"Oh my, is that a ice cream place? I don't remember that being there. Must be new!" He looked at me, practically seeing through my mask. "Wanna check it out?" I nodded quickly, letting my childish smile show itself.

He asked the other two, and we all agreed to get ice cream. As we entered, a gush of cold air hit our faces. The place was mostly empty aside from two teens eating and chatting in the corner. The place was decorated in a bright and colorful wall paper. The floor was checkered white and yellow. It looked glossy and perfectly clean. We walked over and scanned the simple options. There were flavors I had never heard of before. Thankfully it had descriptions under it. I settle on a simple vanilla dipped in chocolate, added red chocolate chunks.

Once we paid, we left and started walking towards the mall again, this time with ice cream in hand. I was behind the other three this time while they talked. I happily ate my ice cream. Mark glanced back after a while, and slowed down while the other two were talking about something else.

"Mind if I join you back here?" Mark said with a small smile. I nodded while taking a lick of my ice cream. "So did you have a fun day?"

"Other than losing Dark in the mall and accidentally tackling Fel- I mean Pewds, yeah. I had fun." Mark gave me a curious look.

"Why don't you say his name?"

"He said only his friends can call him that" I said as he took a bite of his ice cream, and doing the same after I finished.

"Aren't you guys friends? I mean you and Ledson seemed pretty friendly."

"Felix doesn't really like me. He never has. When Jack and I was younger, Felix refused to even let me hang out with their group. It's always been like that, like a silent agreement. Ledson was my first friend outside of Jack however." Mark seemed shock and concerned, but I quickly changed the subject. "So what flavor did you get?" I gestured to the ice cream.

"Yo, I got a flavor called 'Choco-Berry', it's chocolate ice cream with strawberry and banana chucks."

"Wait what? Bananas are berries?"

"I guess. I'm not really sure. Wanna try some?" He offered a spoonful, holding out for me to take a bite.

I ate it, and offered him some of mine. "That's something I haven't tasted before, but it's good." I chirped as Mark took the bite I offered him.

I noticed in front of us had gone silent, so I took a glance forward. We were at the mall, and the other two were looking at us confused. Hints of jealousy hid behind Jack's eyes, but I couldn't tell if it was because I shared ice cream with mark, or if it was because Mark was being so friendly with me. Dark on the other had looked more annoyed than anything. I felt like I had just pissed off the two people who cared about me. In a attempt to make it better , I stuck my ice cream forward and simply said "Wanna try? I'm willing to share with you guys too!" With the biggest smile I could muster without it looking fake.

I saw their expressions change, and they seem to brighten up again. Both tasting my ice cream, and offering me some of theirs. By the time we got home, all of us were done our ice cream. I threw away my garbage, and decided it'd be best if I head up for the night. I wasn't tired, but wanted some alone time.

"I'm going to bed, I'll see you guys in the morning." I said from the staircase. I heard the others call back a few good nights and made my way up.

What an adventure today was.


Hey guys!

I hope you guys are doing well. The discord is up and running, and I posted a link to it on my most recent post.

Come on and Join! I'd love to be able to talk to you guys!

I love you awesome people, and hope you have a magical night/day!

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