Chapter 1 - The Potter series, huh?

Start from the beginning

The drive from the library to the flat is about 10 minutes. I lean my head against the window, getting tired. I adventually fall asleep to The Fray playing softly on the radio.

I wake up to someone pushing me slightly.

"Lou, wake up hun," Zayn whispers to me.

"Mmphh," I mumble back to him. I feel his strong arms wrap around me and lift me out of the car, carrying me into the flat. Zayn opens the front door, walks into the living room and lays me on the couch. I reach for his arm and pull him back over when he tries to leave.

"What is it, Boo?" Zayn asks me while I'm still holding onto his wrist.

"Stay?" I ask quietly, blushing.

"Of course, Lou," he says sitting down on the couch, next to me. He pulls me into his lap and I snuggle into his chest, and wrap my arms aroubd his waist. I quickly fall asleep again.

I woke up to something under me squirming. I looked up to see it was Zaynie.

"Mmmm," I grumble cuddling him impossibly closer.

"Come on, Lou get up. I'll order some pizza and we can watch a movie." Zayn says trying to convince me to get off him.

"Can I pick the movie?" I ask him shyly.

"Sure," Zayn says to me, smiling. I climb off him and run over to the tv where the movies are. I pick out my favorite, Frozen, and hand it to Zayn.

"Frozen? Again?" Zayn asks me annoyed.

"I-I'm sorry, Zaynie. You can pick the movie," I say with my head down and walk back to the couch sitting down, letting a silent tear slip down my face. I grab my knees pulling them to my face so Zayn can't see me crying. Zayn runs over to me and sits next me on the couch.

"Lou, it's ok. We can watch Frozen. It's just that we always watch it. I just wanted to make sure you wanted to watch it again," He tells me trying to calm me down. When I don't say anything I hear him sigh and say, "Come on Lou, I'll start the movie. Please don't cry," He says and I feel his weight lifting off the couch, meaning he stood up. By the time he sits back down, he's ordered pizza and I can hear the movie starting.

"Please look at me. Lou come on, just at least watch the movie," Zayn begs. I still don't look up at him. He was rude to me and I think if I look at him I'll start crying again. I hate it when this happens. I love Zayn and I can't loose him. He's all I have left, besides Liam but he's got university and couldn't keep me. I know I'm not normal. I just don't understand why I act differently. I'm 19 for goodness sakes and I cry whenever someone talks to me! I know Zayn doesn't love me. He just pities me. I don't want his pity anymore! I feel more hot tears streaming down my face. I soon start hiccupping, and I feel Zayn's eyes on me.

"Lou, what's wrong now?" Zayn asks me but I still won't answer him. He starts to hug me but I push him away. He tries to again, but I push him away and run to my room. I slam the door behind me and collapse to the ground and curl into a ball, crying. I hear Zayn running over to my room and stopping outside my door.

"Louis, please let me in," Zayn says.

"No go away," I say back to him. There was silence for a good 2 minutes. He probably left.

"Lou? Please, I know you're in there," Zayn starts to sing. "People are asking where you've been, they say 'have courage', and I'm trying to I'm right out here for you, just let me in, we only have each other, it's just you and me, what are we gonna do? Do you wanna build a snowman?" Zayn finishes and I get off the floor and slowly open the door. I don't look up at him when he starts talking.

"Louis, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I love Frozen and don't you ever feel like you annoy me because you don't. I love you, even if you're a little different. You'll always be like a brother to me," Zayn says and he lifts my chin with his hands and makes me look at him.

"I love you too Zayn," I say and hug him.

"Good, now let's go watch the movie, yeah?" Zayn asks.

"Can w-we maybe start it over," I ask him shyly, flinching back, scared he'll be annoyed again.

"Of course, Lou," Zaynie says and leads me back to the couch. When we sat down, the doorbell rang. Zaynie got up and I followed behind him.

"Who's here?" I ask him, slightly nervous.

"Why don't you go back to the couch. It's probably just the pizza guy," Zayn tells me.

"Ok," I say and walk back to the couch. I can hear Zayn talking to someone at the door. He walks back with pizza in his hands.

"What kind did you get?" I ask Zayn.

"Cheese, because I know it's your favorite," he smiles. I smile back and he gets us two plates. We eat our pizza while the movie is playing. Zayn always eats more pizza then me, but it's ok because I only eat a few pieces so it works. I finish my pizza and Zayn takes my plate and throws it away for me. We continue watching the movie and I rest my head in Zayn's lap.

The movie ended and Zayn yawns.

"I think it's time for bed. We've had an interesting day," Zayn says as he lifts my head off his lap. "Come on, let's get you in bed," he leads me into the bathroom and I start brushing my teeth.

"Zaynie will you carry me?" I ask once I was done brushing my teeth.

"Come here, Lou," Zaynie says and picks me up, bridal style. He carries me to my room and lays me on my bed.

"Goodnight Lou-Lou," Zayn whispers and walks out of my room and turns the light off. I quickly fall into a deep sleep, wondering what tomorrrow will bring.

A/N Ok so that was chapter one. How was it? I need some feedback! So please if you love it please tell me. And if you hate it let me know also! I'll update soon! I love all of you! Please, feedback is so much appreciated!

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