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Everything was dark.

I couldn't see my hand as I held it up to my face, much less two feet in front of me. Not only that, but there was an eerie silence that was probably even more disturbing. I couldn't hear my own breath or the sound of my heartbeat.

And it was cold. It wasn't a normal cold, but one that dripped down into my bones and made me want to curl up to try and get some warmth.

Refusing to be intimidated, I frowned and started walking. There was no visible floor, but I could feel something supporting my weight.

After I had continued on for what seemed like hours, I came to a door. It was the only spot of color in the place, being a neon orange. Slowly, I reached out to touch the door knob. I was surprised to see that it was warm.

Turning it, I pushed the door open. As it swung inwards, a loud creak resounded from it. It opened up to a beautiful hallway with an ornate dark blue carpet going down the full length of it. The walls were white with pictures every ten feet or so. Strangely, there was no end to it in sight.

When I walked through, the door slammed loudly behind me, making me startle. Snapping my head behind me, I saw that it had disappeared to be replaced with a long portrait  bigger than I am.

It was of Nii-san.

He looked to be about ten or eleven, the same age that I had found him at. He was standing with a pained, innocent smile on his face. As I stared, I could have sworn he had winked at me.

"Hello?" I asked him, stepping closer. He gave me no more signs that he was alive, staring at me blankly with those clear blues eyes.

Once a minute had passed, I turned to continue onward. Walking ten feet forward, I saw the next painting on the wall. It also was of Nii-san, except he was slightly older, his smile less innocent.

Frowning, I kept going to see that the paintings stayed with that pattern. Each one was of Nii-san a few months older than the last. When I had passed ten more, I started sprinting; it hurt to see his smile change from innocent to pained and then to so determined. If I had been better at my job, than maybe he wouldn't have felt the need to get the respect of the village.

Running on, I soon came across something strange. It was a painting of Nii-san, but he was obviously a few months older than he was now. He had tears streaming down his face, his hands clutching at his hair.

Pausing, I stared at it. My heart broke to see him so torn and hurt over who-knows-what. Was this a picture of what was to be?

If so, I would not let it come true.

Tightening my lips in melancholy, I pressed on. No matter how much I wished I could, there was nothing I could do to change that picture at the moment. First, I had to get out of this place.

There was no more pictures, just empty picture frames from there on out. That was probably even more disturbing to me for some reason, though I couldn't put my finger on why. Thankfully, I soon came to another door.

This one was orange, but a dull and dirty shade that was filled with splashes of red and black. This time, the doorknob was cold.

Pushing it open, I saw a room. It was circular and seemingly empty, with a carpet that was a dull yellow and walls that were covered in shades of black, brown, red and green though I could tell it had been white at one time.

I stepped into the room, not jumping as the door slammed shut. Walking forward, I stopped unwillingly in the middle of the room. As I tried to pull my feet up, it felt as if there were invisible bindings on them.

When I looked back up, I sucked in a surprised breath. The once blank walls were now painted with a mural, one that seemed to tell a story.

The beginning was to the right of where the door had been and showed two stick figures holding hands. A few inches away, it showed the same ones being torn apart by other stick figures as they reached out for one another.

Next, one of the stick figures was on the floor like a dog, a collar on it's throat that was held by a different figure. Right beside that one, it showed the stick figure who had been on the ground breaking free of it's collar, running on all fours.

The stick figure who ran away was then showed standing next to another figure who I assumed was the one from the start of the story. Strangely, it was faded away and as it tried to tug on the other's sleeve, it was ignored.

 In the next picture, the stick figure was once again solid, but there was a haze of purple of it, obscuring it's features. The other figure was looking at it, holding it's hand. After that, though, the haze was off the figure and the second one was leaning away from it, trying to get away.

The pictures ended there. I wasn't too sure what the story was about, but I guessed it must be about two friends who were separated. When they found each other, one couldn't be seen so it pretended to be someone else. Then, when it's friend found out who it really was, it wasn't happy.

Biting my lip, I tried tugging my feet again. My shoulders sagged in relief when they were free. There weren't any doors to go through, so I trailed my hands along the walls, hoping to feel a switch or button.

As I got to the end of the paintings, my heart had sped up. I wasn't sure why, but my mouth was dry and my stomach was filled with fear, making me shake slightly. I ignored my misgivings and kept going.

Suddenly, when I reached the end of the depictions, my arm was grabbed. I tried to pull it away, yelping, but it somehow began to sink into the wall. In no time, my entire arm was swallowed and my shoulder was being sucked in as well.

Screaming in true fear, I tried to brace my feet against the wall to lever myself out, but it was no use. The wall kept eating me.

I could have sworn I heard soft chuckling as I struggled, but there wasn't anyone in the room.

A minute later, only my head was free. I could tell there was no way to escape, so I gave in, closing my eyes and feeling the wall drag me inwards. As the darkness consumed me, I felt a strange tugging around my head.

Opening my eyes once more, I saw white.

Current Count: 89



Here's a special chapter!

It's what Haruka dreams when Jiraiya knocked her out in FIRST PERSON!!!!

I've never really done that before, but figured 'why not?' I tried my best though ^_^

Song is just cuz.

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