Unpredictable ~ Chapter 32.

Start from the beginning

"They didn't like the idea of us being together, they're probably being held somewhere else."

I took a proper look at Shinya, he was obviously unkempt, he seemed exhausted and I knew he hadn't eaten in ages. He was only in his dress shirt and slacks which were now dirty from the grimy cell and his silver hair was a mess. "You look terrible, I'm getting you out of here."

I heard footsteps from the distance and some mumbling, which my name came up in, "They know I'm here." I cussed summoning my rifle,

"Y/N, you should've never came here. Escape while you still can. These bars can't be broken my magic or demons so that's out of the question."

"What's out of the question is me leaving you here."

"Y/N, I'm serious. Kureto is coming over today, if- wait you didn't intend to..." he drifted off,

"I did, Guren says he's meeting up with him but I know he won't set you free unless I'm involved."

The footsteps began again, more hastily and I knew they'd realised who I was,

"That's ridiculous, do you know what he'll do to you if he finds you here? Get out of here now. They're coming for you."

"Shinya, no-!" I felt my arms being pulled to behind my back,

"Y/N L/N, you are under arrest for being an accomplice for treason."

"Accomplice, huh?" I struggled against the guards,

"She had nothing to do with it, let her go!" Shinya shouted, I could see his knuckles turning white at how hard he gripped the bars,

"Shut up, Shinya. I was the one who told them to escape." I hissed as the guards began trying to tug me away, "Let Shinya go, it was me who came up with the plan."

The guards ignored me, suddenly everyone froze, the two guards instantly released me.

"After 5 years, is this how we finally meet again." A deep, cold voice echoed round the room, sending shivers down my spine. I refused to turn around as anger surged through me, my eyes remained fixated on the ground,

"After those 5 years, imagine how I felt finding out my daughter had become romantically involved with the branch family scum and acquainted with his goons."

I remained silent,

"You can't even look at your own father." He said mockingly,

"I don't wish to." I muttered,

"Give up with trying to free the adopted brat, you'll be having dinner at home today. Come."

I reached out for Shinya's hand that was wrapped around the bar and held onto it, "No. I'm not going 'home' after all the effort I made trying to get away from it. That was never my home to begin with." I finally looked up to glare at my father, he hadn't changed, except his facial hair and hair had gotten greyer, and he looked more aged than he was 5 years ago, his eyes were still as intimidating and chilling as ever.

"I truly thought you'd have outgrown this so called rebellious adolescent phase when you reached the age of 20, it seems like you still don't know how to respect your father." He sneered,

"When were you ever a father figure to me? Hell, even the 'adopted brat' took better care of me than you did in all 21 years of my life." Shinya squeezed my hand as a warning, he could see how irritated my father was getting and knew it wouldn't result in anything good at all,

"How dare you! Who do you think housed you, fed you, and provided for you?" He roared,

"You think that was you?" I chuckled without emotion, "All you ever did was impregnate mother, all those other things came from your pocket, but even so it was none of your concern whether I ate or not, whether I was naked or clothed. You never cared. It was the maids and my teachers who actually cared if I was alive or not; you and mother on the other hand couldn't give less of a sh-" I cried out as a large, stubby hand came into contact with my face, I fell back against Shinya's cell,

"Y/N-!" He muttered in concern but he couldn't do anything as my father grabbed ahold of my wrist in a vice grip and tore me away from him,

"Stupid girl. It's about time I taught you some respect, you are coming with me."

"Stop it!" I hysterically sobbed and screamed at him as he dragged me out of the building.

He threw me onto the ground in front of some of his men,

"Shut her up and get her home, I don't care how." He seethed,

"Yes sir." They bowed at him as he walked off to his waiting vehicle,

I was pulled up onto my feet before I felt a pinch on my neck. The world around me instantly went black.

Unpredictable. [Guren Ichinose x Reader] ➥ Book 1. [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now