chapter eleven, freed chaos. JUNE TWENTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN ; ( when the death of one becomes the rebirth of many. )
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emotionless, he watched as the hands of the barricaded clock ticked away slowly. the contrast of the black on the off white made him feel uneasy, the first he had felt since he took the life of another. his teeth gritted against each other, his jaw clenched, his eyes half closed, his nail less fingers curled into fists by his sides. his head was titled to an angle as the same guard paced slower than he had before past his cell. the man in blue turned to face him, gripping his metal cosh and resting it on his shoulder as he looked the prisoner in stripes up and down. the officer pressed his tongue to the interior of his cheek, cocking an eyebrow up at the man who had splotches of dried blood up and down his arm. "is there a problem, sir?" taehyung jerked his jaw forward, his bottom teeth showing like a monster from a comic. "does there look like there's a problem?" taehyung spat back, his voice low and rough. the guard swayed his head to weigh down on the cosh, shaking it only sightly at the young man. he rolled his eyes and sighed, his knuckles no longer a porcelain white as he began to walk back to his station. taehyung watched carefully as the man disappeared around the corner, "lights out!" his voice echoed throughout the stacked cells only seconds before it went pitch black.
taehyung quickly reached for the plastic fork under his pillow, the end sharpened to a point. he crawled his arms through the barriers, guiding his hand to the old lock he had analyzed inside and out. he picked away for what only felt like seconds before a jolt stuck the plastic between the metal. quietly, taehyung swung the gate open, his eyes adjusting only more to the darkness engulfed around him. He pulled the fork out of the lock, his only choice of weapon, and continued down the hallway. His palm pressed against the cold, grey cement blocks, fingers crossed he didn't accidentally feel up an officer awaiting his death sentence.
it wasn't long before he had made it to the intersection; a dark hallway holding several other inmates and a lit up view of the laundry mat down the other way. taehyung kept his back against the wall, his left hand leading the way as his right kept a white knuckled grip around the chipped plastic. his eyes scanned the passageway, ducking below the black tinted windows. "Yeah, couldn't believe the fucker whimpered like that after acting like he owned this shit hole," a man with a monotone voice spoke from the room taehyung was currently pressed against, "if you ask me, i should've laughed louder at the little bitch, what a punk ass," footsteps went across the floor, a shadow coming from the slightly open door. taehyung's heart stayed the same paced beat, imagining how much fun it could be to watch his weak weapon puncture the necks of the assholes only feet away from him. "i think the lashes on his back taught him," a woman laughed as she spoke, "he won't be a problem anymore," her voice turned into a whisper as the door suddenly slammed shut. taehyung looked up in the air in disgust as the unbuckling of belts came from the other side before standing up and making his way to the laundry room across the hall. he scanned the room, empty as he expected, as he made his way to the carted basket. he rummaged through it, dirtied white socks almost unrecognizable as they all showed different shades of yellow seeping through the fabric.
taehyung rolled his eyes as muttered moans slipped through the thin walls, laughing in almost an ironic way to himself. as he finished chuckling to himself with the twisted ideas forming in his head, a sock with his name written in heavy black marker was gripped by his hand. with no hesitation, he stuck his hand into the sock, pulling out a folded up sticky note and a small switchblade. "hell is here," is all the ink wrote. taehyung furrowed his brows, stuffing the sock and note in the pocket of his jumpsuit. he repeated the note to himself, analyzing the room once more. "you know, i didn't think it could be so quite hard to think over the moaning of a woman," he muttered to himself, looking behind his shoulder as the noises grew louder. pursuing his lips before running his tongue over his caked teeth, he slightly turned his head to see the words engraved above one of the driers. his eyes stuck to the exact words as he wandered closer. with an examination only inches away, he realized a small arrow shooting down from the last l. his eyes followed before his head dropped, it was then a thick crack coming out from the underneath the drier caused taehyung to become curious.
he backed up, swayed his head side to side and stretched his arms out in front of him as numerous areas cracked. he rolled his shoulders back and sighed, holding on tightly to the knife his hand before beginning to push the heavy metal forward. the noise was loud and it wasn't long before the groaning in the room across from him had come to a halt. a small smirk grew on taehyung's face as he continued to drag the drier. out of the corner of his eye, he saw the door swing open the other side of the hall, a overweight police officer with shock written all over his face raced trying to knot his belt and run towards taehyung at the same time. his actions stopped as his pants fell to his ankles, taehyung smiling and waving one finger at a time as if he was curling them into a fist as the officer plummeted to the ground. taehyung flashed his eyes in annoyance as he tried to drag the appliance enough to get down the hole. the second officer had come out of nowhere, jumping over the knocked unconcious idiot, and reaching for taehyung. he stood up from his squatting position, spinning around as she aimed for his shoulders, and watched the blade slide through her neck like it was paper. taehyung cocked up in an eyebrow, unimpressed as he pulled the knife back out, her blood squirting back at him. she gasped for air as she fell backwards, holding to her neck as she slowly dragged herself back to the office she had come out of. taehyung didn't bother killing her, instead he focused on pulling back the drier just a few inches more.
as soon as he gripped the metal, red lights began to flash around him, an obnoxious siren ripping through his eardrums. "that bitch!" he shouted, turning the color of the lights around him as he pulled. he fell back on his tailbone, ignoring the pain shooting up his spine, as he peaked around the drier. hopping back on his feet, he launched for the hole, landing on his feet as he was directed only one way through the narrow tunnel. without hesitation, he pushed his feet off the ground, sprinting as freedom was at the graze of his fingertips. his arms swung lightly by his sides, his steps wide and fast. the siren, the lights, the rush. he made it to the end of the tunnel in minutes, jumping up and reaching for the hole that was carved out for him. he pressed his knee over the edge, pulling himself over and into the wet grass. he rolled out as he noticed the spotlights searching overhead. a big grin covered his face, his eyes squinted with enjoyment, watching and listening to the chaos inside the cells.
the squealing of a car coming around the corner from behind him interupted his entertainment, "right on time," he whispered to himself as he took one last look of the destruction his partner and him had created within hours.
the chaos had only just begun.
who did it? unedited.
( only a year later do i update lmaooo please forgive me. )