🐍GRAFICHE SAGA - Illonvis🐍

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-Tenere le grafiche per almeno 3 settimane
-Darmi i crediti
-Lettura di 3 parti della mia storia, "I Lacci dell'Araldo", con commento onesto di almeno 50 parole
-Pubblicizzare questa raccolta con uno o più dei seguenti metodi:
inserire il servizio in un elenco di lettura, tag in un capitolo di graphic credit, messaggio in bacheca
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-Keep the covers for at least 3 weeks
-give me the credits in the description of the story
-since you do not speak italian I cannot ask you to read as a payment three chapters of my story, so as counterbalancing I am asking that you advertise my graphic shop in all of the three following ways instead of only one:
add the graphic shop in one of your public reading list, tag me in a graphic credit chapter and advertise the service in a message on your wattpad profile


Book title: Ilonvis (For all of them. They have diffrent subtitles)
Subtitles: First one - Domek z kart
Second one - Diamentowe serce
Third one - Zapisane w gwiazdach
Author name: -Ninina
Genre: Fantasy
Cover type: Object
Colour palette: Bright.
First cover - Light blue (and silver necklace)
Second cover - Light green or yellow (golden or silver necklace)
Third one - Red (golden necklece)
General idea: For all of them - There is a necklace with school symbols. It's a pretty minimalistic cover saga.For the first one: There is a silver necklace and the background is light blue or pastel blue. The subtitle is under title.
Second one: Same as the first one but it's either green or yellow.
Third one: Same as 1st and 2nd but it's red and necklace is golden.
Main subject: I will discribe how the symbol look like. So there is a bigger circle and a smaller one. In the smaller circle there is a six-arm star. In the bigger one there is a fish, a rose, an apple, a tree, a butterfly and a raven (or just a bird). I hope you understand.
Font: I don't know. Just an eye catching one.

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Here they are :) Hope you like the covers. I took a slight artistic licence for the medallion and added a smaller 3d star at the center and some points around the edges because it was lookinb a bit "fake" ^^" If there are any minor changes that you wish to see on the covers just tell me :)

 I took a slight artistic licence for the medallion and added a smaller 3d star at the center and some points around the edges because it was lookinb a bit "fake" ^^" If there are any minor changes that you wish to see on the covers just tell me :)

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Mythical Graphics CHIUSO DEFINITIVAMENTEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora