The moon light that showed a figure

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Uhh vinegar! That chip shop lady put to much on again. Some 12th birthday dinner. Still better than being around dad when he's pissed off his head. I don't want to be there to wipe up his vomit.

Mum's already left with the baby, she told me to stay behind to look after dad, but I knew that she was just dumping me.

I hear foot steps behind me getting louder, it's probably a gang. I don't care if they mug me the only thing I have of worth is my shoes

I then feel a hand wrap around my neck and slams me hard onto a wall. A few gasping noises escape my mouth as I struggle to breathe.

"I don't care take what you want" I say with all the pride I can muster and as best as I can with my breathing being ristricted.

The one holding my neck then produces a knife from his pocket. I try not to let him see me flinch. I can hear the rest of the gang sniggering.

Suddenly I feel the most pain I have ever felt in my left lower arm as it was stabbed. I scream in agony, I could feel the thick hot blood dripping down my arm

I quickly glance at my hand it was as if it had been painted with the stuff. I start to feel tears form in my eyes. But I hold them back with all my might. The knife starts to twist mercilessly in my arm. The pain was driving me insane.

Screams continue to block everything else out, only it's just not my screams.



I start to breathe again and slump to the floor, as the grip loosens around me neck, the pain in my arm subsiding a tiny bit.

All I hear is the thugs screaming then they stop instantly. I can't see anything because everything is surrounded by shadow apart from the spot light where I sit.

I then hear foot steps come towards me I then feel something heavy that had be thrown on to my lap.

I let out a large scream in horror.

It was the amputated head of the person who had been gripping my throat. I shove it off as fast as I can, trying to ignore the warmth it still carried.

"You! You KILLED them all!!!?" I yell

I see two red eyes and the vague out line of a person.

"But bad people deserve to die, don't they?" the female voice says in a childish manner.

I stay silent to shocked to speak at all.

"Oh how cute!" she squeals.

I flinch a bit at her excitement.

"I found a cute little lion cub!, you have so much pride in you. You had better sort that out before it becomes a deadly sin" she carries on in a childish manner

"Wh- are you on about you crazy bitch?"

"What's a bitch is that a compliment?" She asks confused

I don't answer her, she's probably one of those people who enjoy killing people for the thrill. I focus on the red eyes to trying to make sense of the person in front of me.

The red eyes speed away, then suddenly the girl is on a roof. I can see her shape perfectly no including a pair of what I think are swan wings attached to her back.

With all my strength I stand up.

"H-Hey!! Come back!!" I yell

"You might want to change that pridely attitude of yours lion cub. Before you have to think on your sins" with that she flies away? I don't know!!

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