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After Mia opens the present from her grandparents, she covers her mouth and let's a few tears fall before running to the bathroom. What just happened? I pick up the envelope and look inside. It's a plane ticket back home. Oh no.

"What's the matter?" Liz asks. I sigh "they gave her a plane ticket back to Oregon... They want her to come home...." I say quietly. "Oh." Is all Liz says. I get up and knock on the bathroom door. "Mia... C'mon baby. Come out.... Please?" I beg. I hear her sigh and unlock the door. I open it and go in with her and see her sitting on the floor with her head in her hands. I walk over to her and pull her into my lap.

I know why she doesn't want to go back. She's afraid of losing their voices. I also believe that she's afraid to go back. Afraid of what she might remember. I would be too. I whisper soothing things in her ear until she relaxes a little bit. "Hey, Mia.... It's okay.... You don't have to go...." I whisper. She shakes her head "I do..." I sigh and nod.

"Hey, Adam!" Fitzy yells from the drivers seat. "It's time for Mia's last present!" He says as he pulls over. Mia looks at me confused. I smile slightly "we have a surprise for you...." I pick her up and carry her to the couch. "It's kind of a double-surprise actually," I add. She looks up at me and frowns slightly. "Adam. I don't need anything else... You already gave me too much..." She says. I shake my head. "But we wanted to give this too you... And it didn't cost us anything..." I hear a knock at the door and I smile wide. "Go open the door." I whisper in her ear. She looks at me funny then gets up and opens it to reveal her best friend, Kim Schein.

"Kim!" Mia's eyes widen and she throws her arms around her. Kim chuckles and hugs back "hey, Yo-Yo..." Kim smirks. Kim has taken to calling her 'Yo-Yo Ma' because of all of the articles that compare Mia to the master.

"Kim! What are you doing here??" Mia looks at her. "You're boyfriend invited me for your big concert." Kim hands her the program that reads: 'WORLD FAMOUS CELLIST, MIA HALL JOINS SHOOTING STAR FOR A CONCERT IN MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. FRIDAY AT 8:30pm.'

Mia's eyes widen and she turns to me. "That would be part two of the surprise..." I smirk. She wraps me in a tight hug with tears in her eyes. "You idiot...." She says playfully, "you got me too much... I didn't even remember it was my birthday! I haven't celebrated my birthday in three years." She looks up at me. "And I'm making up for all of the missed birthdays with this fantastic one." I smile.

Kim smiles but it fades when she looks at Mia. "Mia Hall. What is that on your finger??" She demands. Mia chuckles. "An engagement ring..." I say with a smirk. Kim looks between the two of us then it clicks. "OH MY GOD MY BEST FRIEND IS GETTING MARRIED!!!" Kim yells, causing everyone to cover their ears.

Mia laughs "yes I am! And now I can't hear...." Mia rubs her ear. "Oh well... All the best musicians are deaf." Kim shrugs. Mia rolls her eyes and laughs. I wrap my arms around Mia's waist. "Kim will be staying on the bus with us and going to all of the concerts leading up to Friday..." I say with a smirk. Mia smiles wide and turns around and kisses me. This results in mike gagging and Liz awww-ing. God, I love this girl.

----later that day---

After the commotion died down, Fitzy had started to drive again. We all just hung out and talked until he pulled into the woods and parked us for the night. Mia and Kim jumped out to stretch their legs. They walk into the trees, talking in hushed tones. I attempt to hear what they say, but they're too far away. I don't think much on it, and me and Fitzy get wood to start a bonfire.

After the fire is lit, I try to teach Mia how to play her new guitar. It's funny watching her, who can play a twenty minute Beethoven sonata on her cello without fail, stumble over simple chords on a guitar.

After a while of struggling, she finally gets a few good chords. I go put her guitar away and get her cello. "C'mon, Hall," Liz smirks. "Come play with us." Mia takes her cello and sits down on a log with it. We all tune up together and I watch Mia the whole time. "How about we play some smashing pumpkins?" I suggest. Everyone looks to Mia to see if she knows any of their songs. She smiles and nods. "How about today?" She suggests. We all grin. "That's our favorite." Fitzy smirks. We all start to play. I look around at everyone. Liz on the drum/log, Mike and Fitzy on bass, Kim and Sarah clapping to the beat, me on guitar, and Mia on her cello. It amazes me how she is just one little person with a cello, and yet she changes this song entirely. She makes it so... Alive... And beautiful. After a while, I notice that everyone is singing... Except Mia. Come to think of it, I've never heard Mia sing. Ever.

"C'mon Mia! Sing!" I say between the chorus. She looks nervous but she starts singing. My eyes widen and I motion for everyone else to sing quieter. We all stare in awe until she looks up at us and blushes bright red. "Woah, Mia...." Fitzy says incredulously. "That just made you ten times more hot..." He smirks. I send him a death glare. Mia keeps blushing and shakes her head. "Mia... That was... That was amazing! Why have I never heard you sing before?..." I ask her. She looks down and shrugs. "Mia. You aren't going to just play with us in Madison Square Garden, you're going to sing with us too." Liz grins. Mia's eyes widen "w-what? No no no no.... I'm good with just playing..." Mia protests. We all shake our heads. "You're singing. End of story." I kiss her deeply. Her eyes widen but she kisses back. I smirk because I know I've won.

After a few more songs, everyone gets sleeping bags out, I start to take Mia inside the bus to sleep because I know how she hates camping, but she stops me. "I can camp." She says confidently. I raise an eyebrow "really? I thought you were afraid of camping." I say. She shakes her head "not anymore." And with that, we get in sleeping bags and lay down. I make sure to keep my arms around her so she feels safe. "Goodnight my birthday girl.... I'm so proud of you..." I whisper. She smiles and even in the dark, I can see her blush. "Goodnight my fiancé." She says with a grin. "I love you so much...." She kisses my cheek. I smile "I love you too." I whisper, and we fall asleep.

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