Chapter Ten

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"So...I signed us up for p-parenting classes?"

I glanced at Tyler who was casually leaning against the locker next to mine, his eyes staring intently at me to see my reaction.

"What so everyone can give us dirty looks and mutter about how much of a disappointment we are? Clearly you fail to understand adults Tyler." I slammed my locker shut and began to walk towards the cafeteria.

"Yeah least it's a start." I heard him mumble quietly and I immediatly felt bad for snapping at him.

I turned around suddenly causing him to yelp and making me roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry Tyler but this is still kinda a shock to me." He nodded his head and a blush crept upon his face.

"Have you told them yet?"

I scoffed in response and asked him the same.

"Nah, I'm not sure when the...right time is." I shrugged and turned again but was stopped when Tyler grabbed my arm.

"H-have you had any...uhm, you know..." I raised my eyebrow as he cleared his throat.

"Morning sickness." He whispered and my heart fluttered ever so slightly.

"Come to think of it no, I feel completely fine." A frown appeared on his face but he nodded and let my arm go.

I smiled at him weakly before finally walking into the cafeteria, my eyes scanning the lunch room for two familiar faces.

"Hey! Hemmings 96! Over here!" I mentally groaned and tried to ignore the stares that my friend had directed towards me. I slammed my bag on the table and sighed. Why couldn't she just say my name like a normal human instead of bringing up a nickname I do not want to remember.

"Hemming?" I hummed a response and she grinned at me.

"Stop calling me that...I wore that shirt once and so what if I like 5 Seconds Of Summer!"

"Were you talking to Tyler Lafucci outside?" I groaned and put my head on the table.

'It was positive!" I exclaimed which cause my two friends to tilt their heads in confusion.

"It was a...positive experience?" He prompted and I whined again.

"Maybe if I could remember!" I groaned and she laughed nervously.

"You're not really making any sense here." I sighed and took out my lunch. I unwrapped my sandwich, my friends still facing my with confusion on their faces.

"I mean, the next forty weeks are gonna be hell guys." I spoke, my mouth full of bread and chicken slices.

I looked up at my friends and mentally sighed at their silence.

How can they be so unsympathetic?

"How can you be so unsympathetic?!" I gasped and I grabbed my bag and left the table, leaving my friends to think I had temporarily been possessed.

I shuffled out of the cafeteria and towards the library, the only room in the school where everything makes sense 24/7.

I waltzed up to the empty table and sat down boldy.

Might as well pass the time...

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