18~ Why me? Whats wrong with me?

Start from the beginning

AUGH, why am I acting like a stupid clingy obsessed girlfriend?! Put it back!

But I don't. I keep an eye out for him to come back, but he doesn't.

I open the screen and scroll through his pictures.

I choke on my straw when I see an album I should NOT have seen.

Oh god oh god oh god.

My mind processes what I just saw and it clicks, like instantly.

Oh shit.

NOOOOOO does this always happen to me why me? Why???!!!



I close out of photos and throw the phone in its spot like its on fire.


"Hey sorry." My head snaps up to see Ryan smiling at me and I clear my throat awkwardly.

"N-no it's cool." I stutter again.

How the hell am I supposed to approach this subject?!

"Oh hey Ryan I looked through your phone like the absolute stalker I am and found some disturbing photos- apparently your gay! Well, I'm just saying, I have gay friends and I totally respect you, don't be scared. But if I start acting like a complete nutcase it's because I've had a major crush on you for four years and it turns out- WOW! You don't even like my species.

That's just awesome.

So anyways, thanks for the lunch, but I'm gonna go barf now. Bye! We can still be friends though."

Yeah, NO...

He smiles at me again and I snap.

"I know." I blurt out and confusion takes over his face.


"I-uhm...I know you're gay..."

His eyes widen in shock and panic, and he sits down in front of me, his eyes pleading.

"God Violet please don't tell anybody you don't know what-"

"No! I swear to the moon I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to- well, maybe my best friends but I can cut off their feet if they even think of telling anyone else and I mean it's like a rule to tell your best friend- I have to- sorry I'm rambling but I'm...it's totally to fine. My friend is gay actually. I would never- you know..."

He visibly relaxes like 705 dials and lets out a breath.

"Violet, I swear you are the absolute best person on earth."

I blush at that, and my heart tingles, but i try to get rid of it since- yeah.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Uhm...yeah.." He hesitantly sits up.

"Why did you bring me to lunch if..."

"You seem like a nice girl. We can be friends right?" He replies.

"Yeah! Just- one more thing...you want to meet Christian?"


The meeting went well, and my Chrissy and Ryan exchanged numbers.

I'm such a bad ass matchmaker.

My heart still hurts though, but I'll get over it. It seems legit actually, my life never goes right.

My crush--gay.


He actually told me I could tell case and Mark, which was a relief, but he really wants to keep this a secret- for now.

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