08; ♡

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"Zelo?" I said.

"are you bowling alone?" he asked me.

"no, I'm with a friend." I said.

"boyfriend?" he said.

"no," I said. he nodded then walked away. I just looked at him then went to the restroom.

when I came out I walked quickly pass them then went back to Eric.

we left after they left.

"I'm going somewhere tonight," Eric said then hugged me. I felt kinda uncomfortable so pulled away. it could be a friendly hug but I just feel uncomfortable when guys hug me. if I like them then its okay.. hahah.

I just waved goodbye then went back to my apartment and changed into a short cute dress and curled my hair. when I finished I went outside and hurried to their place before it gets dark because a little in a short dress at night will get you in trouble.

when I arrived the door was opened by Jongup.

"hey!" Jongup said.

"hello," I said and walked in.

"Somi! you're here!" Sojin said and walked towards me.

"your dress is so pretty!" a girl said.

"I know right!" another girl said. I just said thanks and sat down. some people were drunk and I felt uncomfortable.

"hey pretty," this guy said and sat next to me. another one came too and sat next to me. I was sitting in the middle. I got up but he pulled me down. he was obviously drunk.

"stop," Zelo said then grabbed my hand.

"what are you doingg??? she's mineee.." a guy put his arm on me. Zelo took me to his room.

"just stay here. I don't know why they're drunk. we only brought soda, juice, and water," he said. I was kinda scared. this isn't fun.

"I didn't invite most of them. Nara did," he said.

"she's here?" oh my gosh.

"yeah.." he said.

"why are those sickos hitting on me?" I said then crossed my arms.

"you're not like other korean girls. you're really pretty and have a nice .. uh .. body," he said. I blushed.

"oh yeah. girls here are thin," I said. he nodded.

/knock knock/

Zelo opened the door a little.

"oppa! come out your missing out the fun!" Nara said. Zelo turned around and looked at me.

"oppa! you want to hang out in here then? here drink this," Nara handed him the drink.

"no, thanks," Zelo said.

"come on! then I'm coming in," Nara said.

"no," he said then took the drink and left the room. I sighed then sneaked to the bathroom but bumped into Eric.

"Eric? what are you doing here?" I said.

"my cousin got invited and wanted me to go with him," he said.

"oh," then I went to back to Zelo's room.

"why are you going in there?" Eric asked.

"uh.. I just .." then I went in then closed the door. wow, well that was a stupid reply. I went laid on Zelo's bed then put the blanket around me. around like an hour later Zelo came in. I got up and watched him. he bumped into the wall then fell. I ran to him and shook him.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

I love you, B.A.P!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon