First Task and Ball Dates // Edited

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The wind howled as I sat upon the bleachers, waiting for the First Task to begin. The morning had gone in a blur; I had hardly sat down in Ancient Runes before it was time already. Everyone had gathered and it was tight squeeze; I could just see over the heads of the other students below me.

"Lana!" George yelled, pushing his way over to me.

"George," I greeted, moving towards him. He popped through the last few people and let out a breath of relief.

"Phew. That was a pain," he said. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me. Further down the stands, I could see Angelina with Fred. She looked so happy.

"Oh look, it's about to start," George announced. We took a seat and pulled our cloaks tighter around ourselves. I saw George shudder as a cold breeze blew by, so I undid the scarf he'd given me and looped it around both our necks before leaning into him.

His heart was thumping insanely quick and I could feel that my own was the same. The last time we'd been this close was a week ago, during the Hogsmeade trip, but it seemed like an eternity.

I gasped as I saw the beauty of a creature being tugged out and chained next to a pile of eggs, a golden one sitting on the top. "A Swedish Short-Snout!" I whispered, marvelling at the creature. Then, the crowds roared as the first Champion exited the tents.

"Go, Cedric!" Hufflepuffs cried from their stand. I watched as Cedric shook himself before he sprang out. The dragon turned towards him and huffed, smoke coming from her snout as she watched him. He scampered over the rocky ledge before he settled behind a huge rock. Suddenly, he must have transfigured it or something, as a dog appeared. It ran towards the dragon, distracting it from himself as he ran towards the pile. As he touched the golden egg, the dragon turned around and bared its teeth at him, jaw wide to snap at him. I flinched and grabbed George's arm as Cedric just managed to getaway. He held up the egg triumphantly as tamers came out and began calming the dragon.

"Hey, it's Charlie," George piped up, catching a glimpse of the infamous Weasley red-hair in the distance.

"Charlie?" I said, remembering him from my Second Year during Hogwarts. "He was the Quidditch Captain a few years ago right?"

"Yeah," George said. "He went to Romania after he graduated Hogwarts; wanted to study dragons."

"Sounds fun," I commented, watching as a Welsh Green was pulled onto the rocks where the Swedish Short-Snout had been moments before. The loud whoops from the men in the crowds made me realise that the next Champion was Fleur.

She tottered out, a swing in her steps, as she approached the dragon. She waved her wand in front of its face, probably putting it in a trance as it began to droop to sleep. Once sure it was, she walked up to the pile of eggs. Just as she'd touched the golden one, the dragon snorted, a puff of flames lighting her dress on fire. My eyes widened as she used a spell to put it out, waking the Welsh Green in the process. She swiped the golden egg and clutched it to her chest, a proud smile on her face as she waved to the crowds.

Replacing the Welsh Green was a Chinese Fireball. The red scales of it reminded me of the dragons that decorated my house when it was Chinese New Year; mother was a muggle so she'd been adamant that we had to celebrate it.

"Krum!" Girls screamed as he exited the tents next. I nodded appreciatively as I eyed his muscles underneath his shirt.

George cleared his throat beside me.

"Don't get jealous," I teased.

"I'm not," he said. I prodded his face as he said this.

"Your furrowed eyebrows would say otherwise," I mused. "Besides, I seem to have a partial liking for ginger pranksters."

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