Episode 9: Finale

Start from the beginning

They left the van lights on as they jumped out of the van.

"What's the game plan, coach?" Jordan asked Cynthia. Simon and Regina's eyes were also waiting for an answer.

Cynthia nodded toward the building. "Somewhere in there is the demon-god-thing named Erra. It has possessed the body of Blake Hulner, Regina's brother. He will be protected by the Chairman, Martin Murray, and who knows how many spirits that he managed to collect from our containment unit. Not to mention, he'll have the Seven Sons in there, too. Even the ones that we caught in the containment unit." Cynthia looked their youngest member of the team in the eyes. "Regina, it's going to be hard for you to keep a level head but you absolutely need to. Erra is going to use his possession of your brother to try and manipulate you into screwing up. He's going to try and use you to screw us up. We can't afford that. The world can't afford that. Understood?" Regina nodded. "Alright. We know the rules and what's at stake, and I don't know anything more than you do, so pay attention to my orders." She flipped the switch on her neutrino wand and the audible whine of it charging up filled the area. "We go in hard and fast, but we go in smart."

She stuck out her gloved fist toward the others. "On three?"

They all put their fists in and on the count of three shouted, "Ghostbusters."

After climbing the steps and entering the building, they were immediately stopped by an elderly man in a security guard uniform. The building had it's own security force, it would seem.

"I'm sorry, but you can't go in without an appointment."

"Regina," Cynthia said, "hit him."

Regina smiled and turned her slime thrower on full at the older man. He put his hands up but couldn't stop the torrent of positively charged mood slime as it coated him in a pink mess. He began to protest but decided it wasn't really worth the effort as he found himself suddenly elated to be alive. Sitting in the sludge, he started splashing in it and laughing.

The Ghostbusters went past the guard and his two companions who were trying to help their boss up, but kept slipping in the same goop and getting covered in it as well. It wasn't long before they were laughing with him on the ground.

Once past the guards, the Ghostbusters made their way toward the elevators.

"Which way?" Cynthia asked.

Simon put on his goggles and started looking up and down the elevator corridor.

"It's almost useless," Simon explains. "The building is glowing like a Christmas tree."

"Not good enough, Franco," Cynthia says.

Simon turns and runs back out into the lobby, looking at everything with the goggles. Finally he started pointing at the walls adjacent to the hall with the elevators on them and shouted, "There."

Jogging back to his team, Simon explained.

"The remaining free-floating spiritual energy is getting piped through the building from where it is coming it. It's starting in the roof but with the goggles, I can see it flowing through some sort of conduit behind the elevators."

"Where is it going?" Cynthia asks.

"Down," Simon says. "All of it is getting pumped down."

They hit the elevator 'down' button and jump into the first one that opens.

Jordan pressed the basement button and felt a sharp pain in his finger. When he tried to pull away he found that he was stuck and the pain was increasing. A quick glance showed him that the basement button on the elevator panel had grown a mouth and bit him.

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