Plans are Made

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Jean's POV:

Today was the day. I was going to go out there and talk to the girl of my dreams, Mikasa. And if all goes well, hopefully she will go out with me. I nervously walked up to Mikasa, Armin, and Eren to talk to her. I threw on a comfortable yet daring face as I waltzed up to Mikasa. "Hey, can we talk?" I asked her as I shifted awkwardly on my feet. Surprisingly, she acknowledged my existence and opened her mouth to answer me. "Sure." Mikasa said as we walked together away from Eren and Armin. "What did you need to talk about?" She asked, curiosity etched on her face. " I- uh- actually I wanted to ask you if you wanted to-erm- go out or something tomorrow night?"

Mikasa's POV:

I looked at Jean surprised. I thought about the answer to his question for a few minutes as I watched his nervous face fade to a frown. "I understand if you don't want to-" I cut him off with my decision. "Sure!" I squealed with a happy grin. The only reason I agreed to going out with Jean was because I needed my mind off of Eren. I love Eren, I have ever since he wrapped that soft, maroon-ish scarf around my neck. But he doesn't feel that way about me. I know he doesn't. He'd rather go out with someone like Krista or even eeuugghh Annie... Jean looked at me like I had a third eye an then gave me the biggest grin I've ever seen possible on a human. "Great!" he yelled as he gave me a thankful look. I smiled back, and then he walked me back to Eren and Armin. "So what was all of THAT about?" Eren asked as he stared down Jean like he was about to rip him apart. "I um. He... Asked me on a date!" a looked at the boys and chuckled slightly. "WHAT!?" Eren asked, his eyes widened to the size of basketballs. Armin looked at me happily and congratulated me with a grin. "Yeah he did. We're going out tomorrow." I looked at Eren to approve his assumptions.

Eren's POV:

So Jean's going out on a date with Mikasa? This is going to be interesting. But yet I feel strange. I have a burning feeling in the pit of my stomach and my face heats up. Why am I feeling like this over something so stupid?


Hey guys! So this is my very FIRST AOT fanfic and I'm liking it so far. I think it's gonna turn out good so ya. If you're reading this fanfic thanks so much for taking time out of your day to do so! <3

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