“And this is Juvia! She can control water.. and is made of water? She can also make it rain.” Natsu seemed a bit confused at his own description of her. Kirishima wondered if he truly knew what the girl did. He decided not to ask. Juvia stayed quiet. She seemed as though she were assessing the boys.

“So, you wanna tell us how you ended up here?” Gray was the one who spoke up, his voice holding almost no emotion. He reminded Midoriya of Todoroki in a lot of ways.

“We were in our hero training course, getting ready to start our training for the day, when the school alarms went off. A villain infiltrated the school, and as usual, we were the class they were after. The villain used his quirk. We were obviously hit with it, but there’s no way to be sure about the rest of the class, since they aren’t here with us. The villain seems to have had some kind of quirk that sends people through time and dimensions.” Todoroki carefully looked at the guild members, trying to gauge their reactions. Natsu looked confused, Gray showed no emotion, Erza looked deep in thought. It was Lucy who spoke up, and Kaminari just about choked on his stew.

“Um, what’s a quirk? And by villain, you mean a dark guild member?” It seemed less like she was asking, and more like she was correcting Todoroki. The two-toned boy simply blinked at her.

“No. We come from a time where, instead of magic, kids are born with quirks. Sort of like superpowers. With that, came superheros, as well as villains. We go to a high school for heroes in training. Villains attack regularly.” Natsu slammed his fist on the table, and Bakugo jumped up, his palm raised.

“DUDE. That is so. COOL.” Was all Natsu exclaimed. Gray rolled his eyes.

“Maybe we don’t intimidate the superheroes?” He suggested coldly towards the dragon slayer.

“What, like you think I can’t take ‘em?!” He directed towards Gray, who replied with shoving Natsu. Before any of the rest of the group could comprehend what was happening, they were brawling, but none of their guild members seemed to care.

“Uh, should… should we stop them, or something?” Midoriya asked, alarmed that this was being allowed to go on. Erza simply shook her head.

“No, this is normal. Natsu will fight anybody that breathes at him wrong. Anyway, since you guys seem to have powers of your own, you’re more than welcome to consult the job board while you’re here. Or, you can simply accompany us on any jobs we take. People all around request us to come take care of problems for them, since we have powers. They usually pay decently. However, without a guild mark visible, the requestor may seem hesitant. You should consider allowing us to initiate you into the guild for the time being. This… quirk… has to wear off eventually, right? And there’s really nothing you can do before that. So, you should put yourselves to work.” As she finished the sentence, a bottle hit her in the back of the head. Her face hardened, and she turned to the fighting pair behind her. She abruptly jumped up, and drew her sword. The entire guild hall froze, as they watched her make her way over to Natsu and Gray, who were no longer fighting, but staring at her, wide-eyed.

“We’re so sorry, please don’t kill us! There’s still so much food I’ve never had the chance to try!” Natsu cried. Bakugo wasn’t going to lie to himself. Erza was hot when she was mad. Juvia must have noticed his face, because she leaned towards him and whispered.

“She’s totally taken, and her boyfriend is just as powerful as her. I wouldn’t, if I were you.”

Bakugo snarled at her, “What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t even like redheads.” Kirishima gave him a mock look of hurt, throwing his hand over his heart. Bakugo rolled his eyes.

“Tch. You don’t count, shitty hair.” Kirishima seemed to accept this as an apology, and threw his arm around the explosive blond, who replied with shoving it off of him.

“Anyway, we have a job later if you wanted to join. It shouldn’t be anything too big, but it’ll let you guys get out to see the town!” Lucy chirped in. “It’ll be Natsu, Gray, Erza, Juvia, Wendy, and myself! Usually, we don’t do jobs in such large groups because then we have to split the money evenly, but you’re welcome to join!” She looked at the boys expectantly.

“We’re all in!” Kaminari replied, a bit too quickly. Todoroki rolled his eyes at him.

“You’re disgraceful.” Was all he replied to his classmate, then turning to Lucy, “We would love to. What is the job request?” Before she could reply, Makarov came over to the table.

“We are going to have to put that job request on hold for now. We have a more pressing matter. It seems as though Acnalogia may have been spotted across the country. I am sending a small task-force to investigate, but do not engage him if you come across him. The team will consist of Natsu, Gray, Erza, Gajeel, Wendy, Levy, Juvia, and Lucy. I do not wish to put our guests in harm way, so they will be staying behind.” Bakugo didn’t know what the fuck an Acnalogia was, but he wasn’t going to simply stay put when challenged to a fight. Before he could argue, the old man walked away. They would just have to invite themselves.

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