Shōto Todoroki x Reader

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Bnha fanfic, cavalry battle idea

(Y/N)'s POV

"Time's up!" Present Mic said. 'I got it! I got the 10.000.000 points!'
"Here, you go Izuku", I said to him as I handed the headband.
"Umm (Y/N), I think that's against the rules, the time's already finished", Present Mic said to me.
"I know, I'm just kidding", I replied. 'Ah shit! Why it must be shōto that win?!'.

"So, the first place is Todoroki's team!" Present Mic announced.
"Damn it!", I can hear shōto mumbled.
"What do you say?", I said to him coldly. I walked toward him and suddenly grabbed him by the collar, making everyone surprised.

"What do you say?! You ungrateful bastard!!! You've already won! You already got the 10.000.000 points! You already beat Izuku, and you're still not happy with that?! You... Why are you..." I yelled at him. I'm feeling really emotional and tears start streaming down my face. I ran toward the exit door and try to calm myself.

'Damn it! Why?! Why do I have to like him?!' I mentally screamed.

Mini time skip

Shōto came to me at break time.

"I thought you said you like me", he said coldly.
"That's true", I answered.
"Why do you do that?" He asked again.
"So what?! Do you think that just because I like you I'll help you and do anything you want?! Oh no... No Shōto, I'm not that kind of girl! And you know what? Yes, I do like you. I really like you. I like you until it's hurting me! It's hurting me badly. The fact is just you don't have the same feeling as I do. And even though you know my feelings, you don't care! You don't care about me! And then, when you need something you expect me to help you? Do you even have a heart?

You know what? I like you, and I admit that I'm jealous. I'm jealous with momo, how you choose her in your team and the fact that you don't see me the same way as I do. You just hate me! You hate me just like you hate Izuku!

I helped him, not because I don't like to see you win. I like when you're being cool and a total badass. And even, I love when you amazed me by how cool you are... But you're just so full of yourself! You always want to be the best, the strongest in class, and you see Izuku as a competitor. I'm just sick of you! Being so cocky, and cold, and heartless. Even after you know my feelings.

I helped Izuku to show you that you won't always get what you want, and even after you get that, you're still being ungrateful. You still want more...

But you always hated him! You always hated me!", I explained with a lot of screaming and crying.

"Tch! You acted like a bitch. Everyone think that you're Midoriya's girlfriend. Everyone think that you like Bakugou", he said.
"I'm just helping my friends!!! What's the hell wrong with that?! Oh, I remember. It's because you only want to stand by yourself. You never helped a friend.

Oh, and one more thing... You said that you hate your father. You said that he's a monster. You said that you don't want to be like him. But you know what? You're the monster itself! And you're just like him", I said walking away.

I went to my room and start crying again, regretting why do I ever liked him. After sometimes, Izuku came to my room and comforted me. I told him everything. I told him that I like Shōto and everything that happened.


Shōto's POV

'I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I have to be a jerk in front of you... I do like you... I just can't... I can't show it. At least for now, before I finished my issues with my father. I'm sorry (Y/N)...", I said clenching my fist and a tear slipped out from my eye

To be continued...

I know it's bad:v

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