Chapter 7: Inspections

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"Did you find something?" I asked, more civilized.

"Actually, yeah," he said without a trace of a smile. "Something's up with that Professor in there. He doesn't seem like who he says he is."

"Professor Weasley?" I said, the pitch in my voice going up in disbelief.

"Yeah, that's what I said," Leo slowly as if talking to a child. "What tipped me off was what he told me just now."

"What did he say?"

As I ended that last chapter, I honestly didn't think it would be a cliffhanger until the first comment on it. Probably because I knew what he said.

It was Sunday afternoon and I found myself looking for a certain short teacher to confirm an inspection date. I had to get started on those before Fudge came asking about it.

"Professor!" I finally saw him, talking to a few first years. I'm sure it was him this time. No one else has such a high voice. That had been embarrassing when I thought the first year had been the part goblin professor. "Professor, is tomorrow afternoon available for the re-inspection?"

Maybe blurting it out like that for gossiping first years to hear wasn't the best idea.

"Of course, Mr Weasley," the teacher smiled up at me. Not fazed that a former student will be evaluating him. "That is the seventh year Gryffindor and Slytherins preparing for their N.E.W.T.S."

I suddenly realized that meant...

Fred and George.


"See you then, Professor," I said with a nod.

At my doom.

That night at dinner, I was peacefully eating (surprisingly) until I realized the peace probably won't last much longer. Then I started eating a little faster. I kept my eye on the twins, Stolls and Leo. All of which were gathered around a secluded part of the Gryffindor table. Both the Hogwarts students and the campers were giving them wary looks. As well as the staff.

We were all relatively safe from them for now, they were still in the planning stage. All was well.

The peace was disrupted when the doors burst open.

"Percy Weasley!" The blood rushed from my face. I'd forgotten she was coming. "You get your butt to my office!"

"Your office?" Since when did she have an office?

"Yes, the one the Toad used to have?" Penelope continued, walking along the silent house tables.

"That's my office," I said even as I remembered we were on opposite ends of the Great Hall. The whole student body (including my brothers) was hearing this. Self consciously, I got up and made my way to my girl friend to quiet her down before she said any more.

"Not while I'm here!" Penelope exclaimed fiercely.

"Okay, okay, now can you keep it down?" I whispered harshly.

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