I freeze at the sound of my phone beeping.

The only people who ever text me are my parents and they are asleep right now.

I open my phone and see a text from an unknown number. I open the message and it reads:

*Tonight was great babe. I hope we can do it again sometime. -N*

I throw my phone off my bed and grab my pillow and scream into it as loud as I can. I then run into the bathroom and look into the mirror. My mascara has run down my face and there are creases in my dress from where he touched me. Part of my body warms at the thought but I quickly ignore the thought and I scream as I throw off my dress. I look into the mirror and I'm wearing my expensive lace Victoria's Secret underwear and bra. Why would I wear this underwear? It's not like he was going to see under my dress.

Or was he?

I quickly erase the thought as I pull of my underwear and jump into the shower. My head is spinning while I'm taking a shower at the thought of all that I have caused.

Niall probably thinks I'm an easy girl and that he can just show up at my house anytime and have sex with me. I'm not like that. I don't want to have sex with him.

Not yet...


Stop Emily. He's your boss.

I'm not going to have sex with him.

I finish my shower and return to bed. I realize it is almost one o'clock in the morning. I crawl into bed and quickly fall asleep to the thoughts of Niall's hands on my body.

I wake up the next morning and go through my daily routine of shower, outfit, makeup, and breakfast until I leave for work. I don't have to be there until 9, but I leave at 8:15. I avoid all thoughts of last night as I make the drive to Smith.

I begin to stress at the thought of school. The thought of school brings back horrible memories and I quickly remove the thoughts from my mind.

I arrive at work early this time, sign in, and head to my department. There is one large table in the middle surrounded by chairs. There is a notebook and pen at each chair even though I have both in my briefcase.

I am the first person here because I arrived thirty minutes early. I sit in a vacant seat and I stare down at the table. I hear the door open, but I do not look to see who it is because I wouldn't want someone to stare at me when I walk into a room.

"Good morning, Emily! I see you're here early."

I turn around and see Niall's face glowing with joy and his smile lights up the room. I quickly turn back around and continue staring at the table.

"Emily don't be this way. Can I talk to you outside?"

"No." I spit.

"You know you can't talk to your boss that way."

So this is how he's going to play.

I hear the door open and another employee walks in.

"Niall," I begin, " you can talk to me right here."

Niall sighs then walks back to his desk.

The day goes by quickly as we all brainstorm ideas about the company's next marketing campaign led my Niall himself. I occasionally input my ideas to prevent attention for not participating and I get a smile from Niall, but I ignore his gestures.

At the end of the day as we are leaving, I am the last one to to get up because everything in my briefcase must be put back a certain way. As I am walking out of the door, I hear footsteps behind me. I try to walk faster because there is only one person it could be, but before I can leave, I feel a large hand grab my elbow.

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