Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

• When you're deeply in love, nobody else matters, but them •


I walked back into the bathroom to Kira singing along to her music

" I wanna make love to youuu! " she sung along while twirling around

I chuckled and set her smoothie down

She turned looking at me and smiled

" When you're not around, you still on my miinnnddd " she sung as she slung her arms around my neck

I was cheesing like a idiot the whole time as we danced, hand in hand, twirling around the bathroom together

" And we'll be makin' babies tonight " she said as she pulled me lightly down to her height

I slightly smirked

As we pulled away, I twirled her around

We was acting like an married couple dancing at their wedding reception.

She chuckled as she pulled away and went over to the sink

" Gotta keep this skin clear " she said as she started applying her face mask

I chuckled also as I walked up to her

As she finished putting it on her face, she turned to me and started applying it to my face

" Guh I'm not handicap " I said smiling ear to ear

" I know... I just like rubbing it on ya cheeks " she said

I chuckled shaking my head at how weird she is without any shame of it, but I love her little weird self.

She finished putting mines on then she washed her hands and set the timer

" Where's ya phone? " she asked

I pulled it out my pocket and gave it to her

She unlocked it then went to my camera and started taking pictures of us

I smiled shaking my head and walked up beside her, putting my hand on her stomach over her silk robe then I leaned down beside her face

She took pictures then afterwards recorded a video and what not

Once she set my phone down, hers went off indicating the time was up

She stopped it then washed her face off first and stepped to the side, drying her face off.

I did the same and she handed me the towel

I dried off my face then put it in the hamper

She then squirted some of the lotion stuff in my hand

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