Chapter 34: A Goddess' request and Maid-Knights' activities.

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"Ok Sylvie, show me what you got!"

"Yes, Miss Kris!!"

With a shout like that our little fight starts, all while I have my hands behind my back.

You could say that I'm quite cocky and normally, that'd be a good excuse to start a good ol' rumble but...!

That is all a front. For today at least.

After all, today I'm in charge of playi—I mean, testing the greenies that our good Master recruited.

"Haah! Hya! Ha!"

The one who is swinging an axe and a knife at me without any technique is a villager, no, former villager, named Sylvie Lute.

"Haha. You look like some crazy farmer."

And the idiot who is acting quite confident because of our matching outfits is the other, more bothersome greenie, Sophie.

You see, if the Goddess seems to be bullying you, then that means you made some shitty life choices and have a personality that goes along with it.

Plus, being detected that quickly by Luca...shows you're crap as a spy.

Don't worry though, I'll straighten her up in no time, Goddess.

That's one of my specialties, heh.

Seems like these thoughts made me grin at her because Sophie just got the chills.


"Hya! Ha! Kindly. Shut. Up! HAH!"

Phew...! She really is trying to land a hit on me, nice! She also managed to keep her eyes on me while being annoyed by Sophie, that's good too.

As for her attacks, none are landing.


Well, you see, I'm quite nimble and I like to show it at every chance I get.

I can easily dodge her attacks one after the other, even with my handicap.

That is of course, part of my combat style.

Before I looked like this, I used to be considered slow due to my size and choice of weapon.

That misunderstanding was a huge advantage I decided to make use of back then.

Also, carrying that thing around all the time helped make me even faster without it.

And thanks to that, I can do this...

"See? This is why I told you there was no problem in letting you use real weapons instead of dummies! You. Can't. Hit. Me!"

Evading all attacks while provoking them even more. Just imagine how irritated someone can get when they can't hit the 'obviously slow' person of the group.

In Sylvie's case, I want to see if she can fall for tricks like this when her opponent is the one doing it and not just someone else.

More so, since provoking your opponent is quite a common tactic and she will surely face it a lot of times now that she is with us.

"And. I. Didn't. Expect. To. Do. So! HAH! HYA! [Woodcutter]!"

"Oomph! Now that was a nice one Sylvie! So, you were saving that kind of skill, huh?"

"Ha...ha...ha...even so, you dodged it, Miss Kris..."

"Of course, but that was a nice straight line you traced with your axe."

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora