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Lenna's hair flapped in the wind as she forgot to tie it back. She watched, awestruck, as the sea vessel turned into a flying one. Steve and the Doctor watched over the sides as they flew out of the water. Natasha turned around and began heading inside. Lenna followed.

"Take your time boys," she called back to them as they continued to talk. Natasha turned to look at Lenna, "So, how's your break been?"

"Good," Lenna nodded, "but I can't wait until Nick lets me come back in."

"Well," Natasha said as she turned a corner, "you can't blame him for being worried. You really hurt yourself."

"I'm not the only one who got hurt that mission!" Lenna protested.

"Yeah," she said, "but your the only one whose father is Tony Stark. Fury is just taking precautions. You should be grateful he's letting you work on this one."

"Yeah, whatever," Lenna grumbled before walking ahead.

She entered the bridge before the rest of their group and wandered over to where the technicians sat. One of then turned around to say something just as Lenna turned to watch the famous Captain America hand something to Fury.

Lenna grinned and hopped up to their level before she could hear what the Agent had to say. She walked over to Fury and grabbed the ten dollar bill right out of his hands.

"Compensation for not letting me continue my training," she said when he opened his mouth in protest.

Dr. Banner looked on in confusion before shaking Fury's hand. "Thank you for asking nicely."

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