Everything Is Lost

Start from the beginning

"That was different".


"Because I didn't look at Finn the way Bellamy looked at you".

I was silent.

"Look, I've got to know, has anything ever happened between you two since we arrived on earth?"

I paused for a small moment. "No".

It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth. It was something in-between. No, nothing had happened since earth. But, something had happened on the Ark.

Relief struck his face. "Thank god".

"Were you worried, John?"

"Me? Hell no".

"Sure, okay," I said with a laugh.

"I wasn't".

I nodded with a grin on my face. He was worried... and maybe he had a right to be. I didn't love or even like Bellamy, but if John ever found out about the baby, things could change very quickly.

"I have another theory".

"Go on," I sighed.

"What's with that sigh?"

"Well, I wonder who you'll suspect I'm involved with this time. Clarke, maybe?"



He begun to laugh. "I'm just kidding".

"Thank you. Clarke's clearly not my type".

"Oh yeah, and what is your type?"

"Whatever feels natural. Clarke feels more like a sister than anything else. But anyways, you were going to tell me your theory".

"Right. My theory. Actually, my theory is about your wristband".

"My wristband?"

"Yeah. You know, the reason why you won't remove it".

"Okay. Let's here it".

"There's someone up on the Ark that you care about. Deeply," John paused. "Someone you might even love. Father of your child, maybe?"

I shook my head. "No. That's not the reason why I still have it on".

"Then why keep it on? Doesn't it make you feel like a prisoner?"

"In some ways, yes. But the reason I keep it on is for Clarke. She has people she cares about up on the Ark. And if keeping it on helps her reunite with those people then it's worth it," I explained.

"Isn't there anyone you care about?"

"Everyone I did, died".

"I'm sorry".

"Don't apologize. It doesn't suit you. Besides, that was all a long time ago".

Four months ago...

"Quinnie! Let's see the dress," my mom said, sounding way too excited for something as casual as dinner with some friends.

"I'll be right there, mom," I said before attempting to zip up my dress.

I had trying to do this for almost five minutes, and I could tell I was making my mom restless. But everytime I attempted to zip up my dress, failure only followed. It was my little bump's fault. Ever since I got pregnant, I had been gaining weight. But today proved that I could no longer hide it. My bump was on display for the world to see in this dress. I needed to find a way to hide it. And I knew exactly who could help me. It was my best friend, Rory.

Mistake » John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now