Falling Asleep On A Stranger *

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Bulls In The Bronx [Fan Fiction] Project - By RainPierce

Falling Asleep On A Stranger

Bella's P.O.V


I hear the ticks of a clock running, and what it seems to be the sound of birds soaring throughout the sky. Their wings are flapping.


I suddenly feel cold, and instinctively, I try to prove something. I move. I'm alive. I'm breathing.


My eyes open to reveal all white.

I'm not in my room back at the Fuentes' Household, I thought. But in fact, I was standing, prisoned inside four walls. With everything white, it began to blind me to the point where I decide to squeeze my eyes shut, and groan. It was actually pretty bright enough to sting my eyes. I couldn't open them without moaning due to the drowsiness I felt towards a bright morning.

Then I realize, I'm in a hospital.

Suddenly I feel goosebumps feasting all my body, it caused me to shudder.

I look around me, and realize I am standing. One look down, and I see my feet. I wasn't wearing any shoes. I was just standing on a white tiled floor, wearing a hospital gown. What am I doing standing in a hospital gown? What the hell is going on?

I look up, and realize I am just standing a few feet away from a hospital bed. Curiously, I take a couple of more steps closer, feeling the coldness of the atmosphere and the floor reach up into me. Then, I notice an IV machine besides the bed, and other medical machines attached to the patient lying inside the white sheets. However, as much as I tried, I couldn't see who it was. It's as if my perfect eye vision blurred their face, like a foggy spot on glasses. I just know someone is there, but for some reason, they're unreachable. Invisible.

Then, the machines start going crazy, and I am starting to panic. Without even knowing it, the doors burst open, and I turn to see nurses running towards me, and quickly, I raise my hands up in defence, but before I have anything to say, they have passed through me like I was nothing. I am left in silence, and now I am questioning everything. More nurses run towards me, but end up reaching out towards the patient in the hospital bed.

I turn, and see all of them crowding the patient. All of them trying to revive the one in that bed. I remain still, cautious about everything, and attentive. Who's dying? Why can't I say anything. Despite my sudden muteness, my ears managed to hear all the commotion: Machines beeping non-stop, people crying, shouting, screaming. All of a sudden my heart is starting to race, and I realize I am beyond scared.

Without even thinking it, I rush towards the nurses, feeling my heartbeat inside my ears, and a white noise deafening my ears. I need to see who it is. I need to. Time is still, and the air feels stiff. I try to push through each and every nurse, but I am pushed back by what seems an invisible wall protecting the patient.

After every push, I am thrown to the ground, and suddenly, the ground starts to rip apart, and then I feel like I'm falling... into nothing.

I jolt up wide awake, and I'm trying to breathe once again. I am out of air and it seems like I'm the one actually dying. I'm stiff, but to describe it more correctly, I'm tense. What was that? I hold my chest and try to breathe in a couple more times, as well as breathe out. Many thoughts start to run around inside my head trying to fuck me up but I'm begging for my mind to go blank. Realizing I am actually alive, I start to get a bit more calmer.

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