Ch. 21

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Percy POV. Again. 

"No, you didn't," Percy said in awe. Jason had just asked Piper to the dance. 

"I did, who are you going to ask bro," Jason replied his grin really wide. 

I scratched the back of my head. I knew Annabeth was going with me but I needed a cover. 

"Her name is Sheryn." I lied. There was no Sheryn at school. 

"Wait for Sheryn Reed at Badde?" Jason asked. I had no idea who he was talking about but I nodded my head vigorously. 

"I thought you might ask Annabeth but she told me she had a date already, so you had to get your own huh?!" Jason exclaimed and left the hall. I knew Annabeth didn't have a date, but I felt jealous that she had said she had one. I saw a long swish of blonde hair, come into the empty hall and I hugged Annabeth, she was smiling at me, her grey eyes sparkled with amusement. 

"Hey, do you wanna go out tonight?" I asked her, she looked at me with surprise. She nodded and then asked me a question. 

"Where and when." 

"Burger joint on Timbers, I won't pick you up, your father might kill me," I said, trying to sound rude. 

"Meet me there at six." She smiled and kissed my cheek lightly, glad that no one was in the hall to witness it. 

Later that afternoon, around five forty-five I walked into the burger joint, Annabeth was already sitting at a booth, slurping a coke. 

"Hey." I kissed her forehead lovingly and sat down across from her. She was wearing a simple black tee and ripped jeans. But she looked so perfect, her hair in natural curls and her eyes full of happiness. We ordered our burgers and ate in silence until I decided to ask her. 

"Annabeth?" I asked, wiping my hands on a napkin. She looked at me. 

"Do you wanna go to the dance on Friday?" I asked, wincing right after, as she might take a blow to my head. 

She smiled even wider. She looked at me and smiled. 

"Of course Sea Weed Brain, any more stupid questions?" She laughed and leaned over the table and kissed me very lightly on the lips. I smiled. 

I was still smiling when I went to bed that night. 

How Did this Happen? (Percabeth AU)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now