Kokichi x fem! Reader (ANGST) (Danganronpa v3)

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Author: so this is in the Shuichi/kiibo mastermind au, and you are Shuichi's sister (though oblivious to him or kiibo being the mastermind) also you are the ultimate chemist. Contains: triggering scenes, and spoilers for chapter 5, you have been warned

(y/n)= your name

(y/ n) pov

you couldn't sleep. Thoughts of the last trial filled your head. You tossed and turned until you eventually gave up. You decided to take a walk to calm down. As you reached the door you felt as though this would help, but, as soon as you stepped outside, you could hear kokichi's words in your ears. "I don't want to stupid-head!" you knew you loved the boy but you couldn't believe he would play gonta like that..... walking aimlessly you eventually passed maki. She was always like a sister to you so you approached her, only to get a slap in the face. "Hey! What was that for?!-" then you realised, she was crying. "You-you better go stop k-kokichi! He's going to kill kaito! You'll need the antidote to (Idk the name of the poison.)!!!"

That was all you needed to hear. After that was explained to you, you ran for your lab and made enough antidote for a family of four (you panicked), and rushed to the hanger. I just hope he'll listen to me. reaching the hanger, you saw kokichi lowering the hydraulic press, kaito underneath, just about to crush him. "NO!" You screamed running to the two. Not noticing you kokichi carried on until.... just as kaito went out of veiw, kokichi stopped and lifted the press up slightly. Letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding, you ran towards them, only to see kokichi taking off his signature scarf and his shirt and handing them to kaito. "Guys?! What's going on ?!" That got their attention. "(Y-y/ n)? What are you doing here?" Kokichi stuttered. "Maki came to me a mess because apparently, you were going to kill kaito because you drank his antidote. I actually checked the amounts that were in my brothers lab. You are both in danger. Here." You passed them both the correct amount for them and you noticed they switched dosage. "I actually drank the antidote. Kokichi was lying about drinking it." "Ok, but what was going on there?" You noticed kokichi wasn't taking his dosage. Out of no where he ran for the press and told kaito to follow the plan out. Then seeing kaito put on the scarf, and walk towards the controls. Then it clicked. Kokichi was getting kaito to kill him.

You ran as fast as you could towards the small supreme leader, and grabbed his hand to drag him away from the press. "(Y/ n).... w-why do you care?! After everything I did to gonta! After lying to everyone! Why do you care?!" Kokichi started shouting at you, clearly just wanting you to leave him be. He struggled under the grip of your hand, but you were stronger. He started crying, not the usual crocodile tears, but honest tears. "Kokichi..... ....Kokichi! Goddamn it! Of course I care! I love you!" You shouted back. You realized what you said and sighed. he most likely doesn't feel the same..... then the unexpected happened. Kokichi Oma, the ultimate supreme leader, was hugging you. You hugged back and started crying as well. You were glad you could have stopped him from going under the press.

You tightened the hug only to feel sudden pain in your back. "Awwwwww. My dear sister found love in this horrible place..... I almost feel bad for taking it away~." "S-shuichi?" "Yes dear sister. It is me. Now just die quickly so oma and kaito can get on with their original plan." You felt faint, almost numb, but that didn't stop you crying out. "K-kokichi! H-help!" "H-how?" "I'll get kiibo." "No you won't.~" Shuichi simply pressed a button and they were trapped there. "Kokichi? W-where are you?" Your vision was blurred. You just wanted to see him. "I-I can't see you-" you were cut off by kokichi shushing you. "I'm right here. Y-you're gonna be fine" "I-I'm scared. I don't wanna die here! I just wanna be with you!" You may have been going numb but you knew you were crying. "I-I'm scared... so scared... why is it colder?" You felt a hand gently touch your cheek, getting rid of any tears the were falling. "I'm right here. I'm not gonna let you leave. Because I love you too, (y/n) saihara. Kaito! Pass my shirt. I'll try stop the bleeding." You started coughing up blood. "I'm sorry Kokichi.... I love you so much....." "no- no- NO (Y/ N)!" And with that you blacked out.

Kokichi pov

I felt (y/ n) go limp. Still with hope she wasn't dead yet I wrapped my shirt around the wound as if it was bandages. "It's too late. She's dead.~" As soon as those words came from shuichi's mouth, I punched him in the face. "H-how could you do that!?!?!?" "Hm?~ easy.~ I'm the mastermind.~" "w-what?" "Now I'm gonna leave you two in here and get the others.~ why Don't you do your original plan.~ you'll see her again.~ " and with that he left. Kaito looked away gritting his teeth. "Damn it!!" I stayed silent and held her body close to my chest. Soon my silent tears became loud sobs. "W-why? Why did this happen? Why did this happen ?! Especially to her!" The two of us just sat there what was almost silence, except for my loud sobs. Sometime during this kaito found my antidote and force fed me it. I didn't want it. I wanted to be with (y/ n) but he refused do do the press plan because he believed she wouldn't want it for me.

Soon the others opened the hanger door. Shocked at what they were witnessing. Kaito, who was almost like a second brother to (y/n), picked shuichi up and threw him across the room. "W-wait!" "W-what's going on!" Maki, who was suppressing the urge to cry, slowly walked over to me. 'Ding dong ding dong' "a body has been discovered, after a certain amount of time, which you may use however you wish, the class trail will begin!" She continued walking though the announcement. She didn't even bother to question kaito for throwing shuichi, though kiibo and tsumugi were thoroughly questioning him. Himiko just watched what maki was doing. She just kept walking until she came to be right in front of me. I hugged (y/n)'s body protectivly. "M-maki-roll?" Kaito sounded..... scared........ but I didn't care if she did anything to me. I didn't care if she even killed me. I'd be with (y/n) again. surprisingly, she only collapsed in front of me. Unable to suppress the tears in both our eyes we ended up weeping together. if there is on thing we agree on, it her. Kaito soon joined us, until everyone did. Everyone but one. "Awwww~ you're all United in despair.~" "what do you mean shuichi?" Kiibo asked confused. "H-he trapped us here kiibo, he's the one behind it all. HE killed her." I explained in between sobs. Shuichi laughed "And who's to say you aren't lying?~" (your attitude that's who-//slapped) "me."

No one believed kaito. No one believed me. I couldn't believe it when I was voted guilty. I didn't show it though. I simply put on the fake smile I had shown most of the killing game except when (y/n). I could never lie to her......

I put on a childish anticipating face on. "Wow! I wonder how everyone is going to be executed!" Maki only glared. "Maybe if you actually cared about her, we might believe you." "But he didn't do it! Makiroll you gotta believe me at least!" Kaito was desperate. "It doesn't matter kaito. They wont believe us and I doubt that monokuma will out him."

​​​​kiibo started laughing.

I couldn't deal with this bull crap so i slapped him. He shouldn't be laughing. "What? You really think that we would believe you of all people?~ also I thought we were waiting til later?~" that sickening tone. I hated it. Wait later..... "k-kiibo? Y-you too?" It was too late. Monokuma had already pushed the execute button. You were pulled away the neck as you gave apologetic looks to the remaining four who weren't masterminds.

3rd person pov

Kokichi was dragged to the trial room and tied to a dart board, his heart on the bullseye. Shuichi and kiibo started spinning the dart board. Luckily they all miss but only just. If he moved even slightly he would be cut pretty bad. Kokichi at some point closed his eyes. He just opened them as monokuma threw the last dart. Right at his heart. Pink blood seeped from the would as he lost strength. "I'm sorry I couldn't live for you (y/ n)..." kokichi whispered. He gave up and let go as the chains holding him fell away causing multiple wounds (28) and cutting of his limbs and his body and head fell in front of the horrified students. But.... there was a satisfied smile on his face. Like peaceful sleep. "You probably already figured this bit out." Shuichi started "and we need to tell you two things one shuichi and I was dating." Kiibo gazed lustfully at the other and they both nodded. "WE'RE ALSO THE MASTERMINDS!~ UPUPUPUP~" they said in union." We're going to the let you guys out now you know cuz there's no point keeping you." "Oh and this is a tv show so the police won't do anything." "Shuichi did kill (y/n) and I killed rantaro." Kiibo finished the twos speech. No one talked as they left and no one saw them again.


author: this is terrible but oh well. I wrote it at midnight so... yeah. Please request cuz I'd what to write next

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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