When the Shifting Ends

Start from the beginning

"You aren't one for flying, are you lad?" The woman asked with a hint of humor in her voice. 

Austin hesitantly squinted his eyes open and shut the cover for the window he was right next to before turning his attention to the woman. 

"It's not really my thing." He said with a shaky voice. 

The woman smiled again and relaxed into her own chair. 

"Do not worry, hun. If we fall out of the sky, at least we'll all die instantly. There are rarely any survivors when that happens. I am going to visit my cute grandson who's sleeping with the leader of a band in Korea, so I do hope we make it safely. I've missed embarrassing him." She said as she closed her eyes and began snoring a few seconds later. 

You are a strange, evil old woman! 

Needless to say, every tiny drop in altitude or fidget the plane made had Austin's heart jumping in his chest. He had planned to sleep most of the flight, like Roh-Ahn had suggested, but by the time it was landing, his eyes were wide open and he had drunk four cups of coffee. 

He practically ran off of the plane and immediately straight for the bathroom. Dear god, I'll take a boat back. Or swim, or something! He thought as he relieved himself, then scrubbed his hands, then face, to try and wake up a bit. 

Alright. Go find your man now, and don't let him realize that you nearly had a heart attack on the plane. 

Turning around with that thought in his mind, Austin nearly miss-stepped and fell right on his ass. Instead, he stumbled backward against the sink, grabbing it with one hand to keep himself upright. 

"R-Roh?" He asked, his voice nearly a whisper. 

Wow. Just, wow. 

There was no wheelchair. No pained hunch or crinkled brow. No cane or walker. 

"Hi, love." Roh-Ahn said with the smile that had haunted Austin's dreams for nearly a year. 

Austin was stuck, frozen in place as Roh-Ahn walked up to him, only limping slightly as he wrapped his arms around him in a hug. The heat from Roh-Ahn thawed Austin's shock, allowing him to wrap the man in a desperate hug that Austin had to focus on so that it didn't get too tight. 

"I missed you, too." Roh-Ahn said with a quiet laugh as they both leaned back just enough to find each others' lips with their own. 

When they separated again, after nearly three minutes, Austin realized where they were. 

"This probably isn't the best place for this." He said right before Roh-Ahn took his hand and began tugging him from the restroom with more strength than he'd ever thought the guy could possess. 

I'm so happy, but I have so many questions. 

They stopped at the baggage claim area, then again when they got outside. After a glance around, Austin wasn't sure what Roh-Ahn was intending to do. One of the many golf carts transporting people to and from cars stopped in front of them, and immediately Roh-Ahn tugged him toward it. 

"Is someone waiting to pick us up?" Austin asked as the cart stopped and Roh-Ahn pulled him off. 

I don't see Wan-Nu, or Teller, or any of the other guys... 

"I have a car now." Roh-Ahn said as he walked over to a small compact car. 

"Wow, really?" He asked as he walked around the car and put his luggage in the trunk, then slid into the passenger's seat. 

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