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I have been with the Assassins for almost seven years now. I still didn't believe any of the stuff that they told me. They had to be delusional, but the things that they had taught me would come in handy when I am fighting a monster. I haven't told them that I am a demigod. They would probably think I'm crazy. The monsters have surprisingly left me alone. I was running across the rooftops of Rome when my phone started to ring.

"Ciao," I said.

"Percy, we need you to come back to Isola Tiberina (Tiber Island)," Nickolas said.

"Why? I just left." I whined, slowly started to walk back.

"There is something going on here. There are two people here they claim to be Athena and Poseidon." He said.

"Alright, I'm on my way." I said, hanging up. I ran back to Isola Tiberina (Tiber Island). When I got there, I climbed to the roof entrance. When I got to the ceremony room. I saw Nickolas and Darius talking to Athena and my father.

"Father, what are you doing here?" I asked, walking over to him.

"We have brought help," Athena says.

"Yeah, where is this help, cause I don't see anybody else here," I said, looking around.

Athena and Poseidon waved their hands in the air. Four shimmering portals appeared. A group of people came out of the first one. They were dressed like they were from the Italian Renaissance. From the next portal came two men dressed like pirates. The next portal there were also two men. I couldn't identify what era their clothes were from. There was just a man coming out of the last portal. He was wearing something that looked like from the American Revolution. They looked around, confused. They all looked over at Athena and my father.

"Is this the future?" Asked a man from the Italian Renaissance era.

"Yes," Dad said.

"Hold it, what does he mean the future? Who in Hades' small fireballs are these people?" I asked, walking over to stand beside Nickolas and Darius.

"Let me introduce myself." The man said, he had an Italian accent.

"I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze. This is my sister Claudia." He said pointing to a pretty girl with long brown hair.

"This is La Volpe." He continued. "And these are some of the younger Assassins that I have been training."

"Who are the rest of these guys?"

"I am Altair Ibn' La' Ahad and this is Malik Al Sayf." A man said, he had an Arabic accent.

"I'm Captian Edward Kenway. This is James Kidd or Mary Reid." The pirate said, with a smirk.

Mary smacked him.

"Kenway?" The last man asked, walking over to him.

"Aye, and ye?"

"I am Ratohnhake:ton but you can call me Conner. Do you happen to know a man by the name Haytham Kenway?"

"No, who is he?"

"He was my father."

"Conner, Edward is from the year 1715," Dad said.

"What does that mean?" Conner asked, looking at Edward. It looked like he knew what Dad was hinting at, but he wanted to hear it out loud.

"Edward Kenway is your Grandfather."

"What?!" Edward shouted looking at Conner. Conner looked at Edward.

"So, in his time, my father has not been born yet?" Conner asked looking at my Dad.

"No, he has not," Athena said.

"So, who are all of you exactly?" I asked, looking at all of them.

"They are the greatest Assassins to have ever lived," Athena said.

A/N There you go, Percy finally gets to meet the Assassins. I hope you like it please vote comment and share:)




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