It Really Is Over Now

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Those courageous steps now turning shy.
Those real acts now just becoming a mask.
A mask, oh so fake, she wears.

She mastered the art, you know?
The art to act like all this.... everything is fine.

Those laughs and giggles now turning fake.
All those genuine things really turning fake now.
Everything of hers, about her turns fake.

And nobody sees through it.
They all believe that mask. That's how good she has become.
Friends, family, the world. They all believe it.

The smile she puts up.
Is believed by everyone.
Nobody is seeing the truth.

Huh! Fake is really becoming the new trend now.

Written on: 26 January, 2019.
Published on: 26 January, 2019.

It All Is Really Over Now.
Huh? What a surprise? Hadn't it already broken a long time ago?
Funny how it crashes on you all of a sudden.


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