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Lili curls up in bed with a fluffy blanket with Cole on it. Cole had bought it for her so that when he was away she could always snuggle with it and pretend he was there with her. Even though Cole is around, she still cuddles it out of habit and the comfort it brings is indescribable.

"Lili, you've been asleep for hours. We have to be on set soon." Cole kisses Lili's cheek as he tries to get her out of bed, but she just groans and nuzzles her face further into the pillow. She's never been much of a morning person, but for the past four weeks or so, she's been having a harder time motivating herself to get out of bed. No matter how much sleep she gets, it never feels like enough, she's constantly exhausted and ill feeling. "Lili, don't make me force you out of bed." Cole climbs onto the bed and pulls Lili to him.

Lili giggles as she cuddles up to him. "Can we just cuddle in bed the whole day?" She begs before kissing his soft lips. The kiss, once innocent, turns into a passionate one with each hungry motion of their lips. As she starts to climb onto him, her stomach starts to hurt and bile travels it's way up to her mouth. She quickly shoves him away and runs toward the bathroom. When she finally reaches the toilet, she lets herself heave everything she ate last night out.

Cole quickly rushes by her side and gathers her hair away from her face so puke doesn't get in her hair. "Lili, are you okay?" He asks her, his voice soft and full of worry. Despite feeling miserable, it still warms her heart to know that he cares so much. All the boyfriends she's had before never cared about her half as much as he does, it's hard for her to imagine never meeting him, she has Riverdale to thanks for bringing them together.

When Lilli stops, he wraps her in is arms. "I'm fine, this has been happening for awhile now." She whips her mouth on wash cloth she has laying around. She glances up to see his horror stricken face.

"You have been throwing up for awhile now and you haven't told me?" Cole stares at her clearly hurt by the news. Before she could say anything, she stomach growls loudly. Sighing he gets off the floor. "I'll make you something to eat before we go." they walk down together hand in hand to the kitchen. "What are you feeling hungry for?"

A smile spreads on her delicate face. "How about chocolate chip pancakes?" She gets out the orange juice and pours herself a glass. He gives her a weird look as he gets the pan from the drawer. "What?" She asks giving him a weird look back at him.

He starts making the pancake batter when he replies. "You hate chocolate chip pancakes." He says slowly in confusion of the whole situation. He has no idea why she would want the one thing she has claimed to never like.

"I can change my mind, can't I?" Lili says sassily as she takes a sip of orange juice.

"I think we should go to the doctors and make sure you are okay. I can call Roberto and tell him that you are sick and I'm taking care of you. I'm sure he won't mind." Cole pours the batter on the hot pan making it sizzle.

Lili sighs, "I'm probably just sick, you know how bad my immune system is." All she wants to do is lay in bed. At least it would be better than running around on set. A nervous chill runs down her spine and she can't help her mind thinking about all the possibilities. What if she's is dying, what if she has to be replaced and someone else would have to play Betty? She loves this role and doesn't know what would happen if she would have to give it up. "Lili," Cole's voice breaks her out of her demising thoughts. "Is everything okay?"

Lili smiles nodding her head. "Everything's perfect." he places a gentle her lips before serving her the pancakes.

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