I smile and he returns it.

Oh my peaches, it's really happening! He's getting to accept me for his son!

He stands up, leans across the table and stares at me closely.

“How much do you want?” he asks, his expression hardening.

I furrow my eyebrows at him.

“Am sorry, I didn't get your question”.

“How much. do you want. to stay as far as possible. from my son…for good?”.

I slightly gasp in shock.

That pig!

“I don't want your money…all I want from you is to let your son make his own decisions and decide his own future”.

“So you can distract him from fulfilling what he's meant for? Over my dead body!” he growls and grabs my face upwards.

I whimper.

“Listen and listen to me very carefully. I don't care how many times you've been intimate with my son or how much you love him. I want you out of my palace and very. very far away from my son!”.

“No amount of money will keep me away from the love of my life” I spit at him.

He squeezes my face harder.

“I'm warning you little girl. I know a lot about you and you don't know what I'm capable of doing” he growls and let's me go, his blue eyes turning pitch black.

I quickly stand up and run out of the study back to my room. My face hurt like hell. What kind of person was he? A tear rolls down my cheek. My phone rings.


I wipe my face with the back of my hand and answer.

“Hey” he greets.

“Hi” I say in almost a whisper.

“Are you okay? You sound a little…”.

“Colton I'm fine!” I say not intending to sound harsh.

“…that” he finishes.

I clasp my free hand over my mouth and cry.

“Alexis what's wrong? Talk to me my love. You know you can tell me anything”.

I can't tell him about what just happened.

“Hello? Alexis if you don't tell me what's going on I swear I'm going to fly back there this instant!” he growls.

“You don't have to” I say and sniff. “It's just that…I hate the fact that you're not here and it's driving me nuts. I can't stand it anymore Colton!”.

Nice save!

“You don't have to cry my love” he coos.

But I do.

“I know long distance relationship is hard. Whenever I think of not being with you, my heart aches”.


“I promise that as soon as we're all done here, I'll fly right back that very day. Don't cry, you look terrible when you do”.

I laugh through my tears.

“Geez thanks Colton, I really needed that” I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

“At least I got you to smile” he chuckles.

Mark of an Alpha's Queen Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat