So I decided to change it before something happened again. I stand up and walked to my room but Suga stopped me

Suga: where are you going?

Hyuna: changing clothes!!

Suga: why? you look very hot on those, I like it, why you will change your clothes?

Hyuna: shut up!! Go away!! I will change!!

He let me go into my room. I open my cabinet and then I just realize. I don't have long clothes left, all are so short and showy clothes, I haven't home yet so I couldn't get my comfy clothes,  so I just close my cabinet, when I close My cabinet I saw Suga standing at the door

Suga: why are you not changing?

Hyuna: mmm...

He looks at my closet and closed it and laugh

Suga: go ahead Change...the outfits are more showy than what you are wearing today

Hyuna: shut up

Suga: hahaha

I just rolled my eyes and walked away...before I could go out of my room he suddenly close the door and pinned me to the wall

Hyuna: Suga!! Stop!!!

Suga: answer my question first, do you still love me?

Hyuna: fine!! Yes I still love you, but...

Suga: shh...then If you still love me prove it to me

I really thought that he changed but his still like before, acting like a Gangster

Hyuna: Suga!!

Suga: you said you love me right? Then prove it

He smirked But I rolled my eyes...before I was About to speak he kissed me so hard and I can resist it anymore so I kissed him back He lay me in the bed and was rough and that happened again

It's already morning I woke up and Cook some food while he is taking a shower because I know he has work today. While preparing the Plates I suddenly feel Suga's hands on my waist

Suga: that looks delicious 

Hyuna: haha yeah eat now

Suga: mm....No I need to go now

Hyuna: ok


Suga seems so happy today I don't know why

Y/n: my prince is so happy today huh?

Suga: of course because I saw my Princess again...


I saw Ivan entering and I immediately walked toward him

Y/n: what are you doing here?

Ivan: I just want to ask besides your work is done, can we go out again?

Y/n: b-bu

Suga: go ahead Y/n your friend needs you

Y/n: a-are you sure?

Suga: ne

Y/n: thank you

We walk around and It's my time to ask him about Hyuna

Y/n: is Hyuna ok?

Ivan: ne..but she's not with us in the house she's staying in her condo because she. Wants to be alone 

Y/n: why the same reason? 

Ivan: yeah, the same reason that I can't tell you right now

Y/n: ok


Suga is here again...but what is he doing here again!!

Hyuna: what are you doing here?

Suga: why?

Hyuna: Y/n might get suspicious 

Suga: Don't worry she is with your twin brother they hang out

Hyuna: ok, but what are you doing here?

Suga: I want another one!

Hyuna: I don't want to!

Suga: please!!  This is the last promise but since this is the last let's extend it

Hyuna: no!!

Suga: you said that you love me right?

I don't know why but every time he say that I love him, I collapsed

So I seat at him facing him, And I started to kiss him then he kissed me back, He break the kiss and started to unbutton my shirt and started to kiss me everywhere and kissed me back on the lips but he break the kiss and carry me and lay me in the bed

I am on his top I pulled his shirt and his pants

Suga: so excited?

Now Suga is now on my top and...that happened....


He really did what he said...last night is too long compared before

Hyuna:  you said that it's the last huh?

Suga: yeah!! I will

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