Chapter 22 - HYDRA

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As the final plans were deuced and Cap stole his old style uniform from the museum, I was set a babysitter anywhere I went around the hidden base. Nat wasn't talking to me, actually  Sam seemed to be the only one good with me. A friend of Fury's picked up my bag that contained my suit and weapons from where I hid it at Sam's place. I was in it right now.

We followed Agent Hill, sneaking into SHEILD security room. We used some tach to lure one person out. As the man opened the door Sam and Hill aimed a gun at him. 

"Excuse us." I say walking in. The man puts his hands up in surrender and I give him a smirk as I walk by. Cap went up to the intercom speaker and started to speak.

"Attention all SHEILD agents. This is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the past few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down, but I think it's time you know the truth. SHEILD is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Peirce is their leader. The Strike and Insight crew are HYDRA as well, I don't know how many more but I know they're in the building, they could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want, absolute control. They shot Nick Fury, and it won't end there. If you launch those helicarriers today HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stand sin their way. Unless we stop them, I know I'm asking a lot. The price of freedom's high, always has been. But it's a price I'm wiling to pay. And if I'm the only one then so be it, but I'm willing to bet I'm not." 

"Did you write that down first, or was it off the top of your head?" Sam asks smiling. 

We left Hill in the room as we ran out to stop HYDRA. I pulled up my hood as we ran out into the open. 

"Hey Cap, how do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" I smile a little at Sam's question.

"If they're shooting at you they're bad." We reached the ledge of this level. Sam activates his suit and flies off, Cap jumps down and I follow after. We find cover from the bullets that were now being shot at us and attack them successfully. I swung my katana around professionally feeling at home on the battle ground. 

"Yo Cap, I found those bad guys you were talking about." Sam's voice crackling in my ear.

"You alright?" I ask. 

"Not dead yet." 

I parted from Cap and headed to my own helicarrier. I stopped behind a stack off boxes as four HYDRA agents shot at me. I leaped over attacking them from above. I had pulled out my gun before hand and easily shot them all in the head. I kept on moving getting nearer to my destination.

"I'm nearly in." I speak to the others.

"Same here." Sam replies. "Ah shit." I guess more of them bad guys.

"Eight minutes guys."  I run a little faster as Hill reminds us of out tight Sechele. 

"Working on it."

I finally get up into the helicarrier and take out the tab I need to replace. I smirk in success. 

"Alpha locked." Soon after Sam gets his in place too. I see explosions on the runways and quickly head down there. I run at the attacker who just so happens to be Bucky, or the Winter Soldier. 

"Hey man, ready for round two?" I ask throwing him a punch which he quickly avoided. He aimed his gun at me but I sliced it in half with my katana, rendering it useless. He tossed it aside getting out a smaller hand gun. He shot bullet that I deflected with my sword, not a single one hitting me. 

Finally I got the upper hand and kick his legs making him fall to the ground. I went to attack him but he rolled away. He kicked the katana out of my hand making it slide across the concrete a little way away. 

We exchanged punches and kicks, both of us equally hurt as one another. A couple HYDRA agents then appeared and started shooting. Knowing I couldn't win I ran for my katana and took cover. I sighed annoyed as I watched Bucky get in an aircraft and fly up to the helicarriers. 

"Six minutes." 

I quickly took down the HYDRA agents. I looked up to see Sam falling with a parachute behind him. I ran over to him as he spoke to Cap.

"You good?" He nodded. 

"Cap's still up there but so is Bucky." I nod, knowing I couldn't get up there now that all the aircrafts were destroyed. Sam took off his suit that was now useless when  ill spoke to us.

"Falcon, Trickster. Rumlow's headed for the council." 

"We're on it." Sam went for Rumlow while I went to Nat and the council. I got there quickly with no trouble from HYDRA. 

"Guys." I say making Nat and Fury aware of my presence. They both nod at me while Peirce glares at me. He never liked me much. The council members looked at me confused, maybe they didn't know who I was. Not that it matters.

"Done, and it's trending." Nat say's and I smirk but it quickly was wiped from my face. Each council members badge suddenly electrocuted them, killing them all. I noticed Nat had one on too. She and Nick pulled her gun out on him. 

"Unless you want a two inch whole in your sternum, I'd put that gun down. That was armed the moment you pined it on." They both lower their weapons hesitantly. Peirce then took control, making my blood boil. 

Kill him

Don't worry, I plan on it. 

"How much longer?" Peirce asked someone.

"65 seconds until satellite locked."

"Targets engaged, lowering weapons right now." 

I looked around, desperate to do something to stop it. Hill's voice then told me that the plan worked. Cap had done it. 

"Fire now."  Cap's voice rang in my ear. No, he's still on the helicarrier.

"But Steve-"

"Do it! Do it now."

I looked out the window as the helicarriers destroyed each other. I looked down sadly, he may die.

"What a waste." Peirce muttered as he saw the same thing I did.

"You still on the fence about Rogers chances?" Nat taunted not knowing about his whereabouts. 

"Time to go. Council women, this way. Come on., you're going to fly me out of here." Nat gives me a look telling me not to do anything so I don't. For once I listen. 

"You know. There's a time I would off taken a bullet for you." Fury said angry at his old friend. 

"You already did." Nat cuts him off by using one of her own electrocuting devices. I go to shoot him but Fury beats me to it. He goes to make sure Nat's okay but I go to Peirce's body. 

"Hail Hyd-" I cut him off with a bullet in his head. Nat, Fury and I all escape in Peirce's helicopter and picked up Sam as he jumped out the building. But where is Cap? We found him eventually, some how still alive by the water. 

We were done for the day. 

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