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Walking through those unilluminated streets that I have barely been used to,creeps me out.In this cold, freezing weather.I finally gathered the courage to step out of my room to get some groceries to survive.

I brisk walked to the main road. Finally,near the grocery store and out of the lonely dark street.

I sighed,entering the door managing to hide my face from the cashier. Though, he was yawning and too busy to notice me.

Thank god there is no one but me in the store.

Of course,I think it's over midnight.

Slipping milk in the cart and some other essentials which can go for at least 2 weeks in my lowest budget.

But now maybe, I can survive with bread and milk for sometime but my growling stomach says the opposite.

Pulling my hoodie further lower, so no one see's my face. Even though I have already covered my face with a scarf,I make my way to the cash counter.

The indolent guy without taking a look at me scans every item and stuffs it in a plastic bag.

Without wasting any time I hand him the money,clutching the bag and try leaving from the door when I was stopped by a voice.

"Wait ma'am..." i shivered at his voice.

Is he one of them.

Did He hide his people here.My heart raced to the extent that I was sweating to my feet in the month of January,slowly i turn around so I do not look suspicious.

" forgot your change."


And me being stupid and in need of every single penny walks back to him to pick my change.

I pull the money back from his hand.
But he doesn't budge.


He smirks.I leave the money and rush to the door with my aching foot.As soon as I was able to pull the door handle.

World slipped through my feet.
All I could see was a man's back.

I was on some guy's shoulder who was walking out the door.


I thought the store was empty but it had been otherwise.

I kept thrashing on his back.And I am sure it hurted him like hell.This was what I was running from since I was in London.

All the while I hollered, screamed.
"No! go away please,don't take me back I beg you." my pleads were ignored.

I managed to see the cashier smirking.I felt like killing him, strangling him. He didn't try to help me.Instead,I think he was involved.

Heck yes he was!

I kept thrashing even harder until I was an angry mess and my fists hurt. I even pinched him.For gods sake!

Then I felt the guy I was on,spinning in circles.


I was way too dizzy and nauseous, after this,my fist still punched him but really light this time with all the energy I had left.I felt helpless.

Nobody could hear my wails, in this secluded area.But myself.

I was tied on the back seat of the car. The world was spinning in my eyes.

The Asian looking guy tried stuffing a handful of cloth in my mouth.At which I turned my head to the other side.He groaned and tried again but I bite his hand hard digging my canines in his skin.He screamed retreating his hand and I tried squirming in the seat.

But a large hand came flying across landing on my cheek.The force was enough to put me in a drunken daze.

"Bitch!Make it easier for me and I will make it easier for you,I just want to get the damn money." He said fuming. My head is spinning in all directions of the world.

A man's hand is after all very strong.I still squirmed with my left eye closed because of his damned slap.The driver of the car whom I hadn't noticed up til now turned around forcing to open my mouth with his hands and the other guy stuffed the cloth in my mouth.

I was exhausted and my cheek burned and stinged.

My body was drained with energy because I hadn't had a decent meal in days.I would have tried further if my vision wouldn't have turned black.
At this moment I was disappointed in me that I couldn't fight them.

I just don't want to go back anyway to that hell.I want everything to go back to how it was,peaceful.

I am desperate to go anywhere but him.

Hey guys! it is my first story ever.I know this was really short and vague because I had to put into action .This definitely wont be the length for the rest of the chapters



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