Chapter 3

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Reader P.O.V

-Hello, is this (y/n)?

You stared at the text. You had fallen off the lounge when you saw who had texted. Gaster. Gaster had texted you. You probably should've figured that he would text, you did give him your number after all. You couldn't be that one awkward person. You had to text back at all costs. This is a matter of life and death. If you say the wrong thing, he might not like you, think you're a creep, never talk to you again or get the wrong idea. On the other hand, if you said the right thing, he'd probably like you a bit more.

Biting your lip, you paced around the lounge. What to send, what to send? Deciding, you tapped in the words and looked away while pressing the send button.

-Yup! That's me!

You were such a dork. Who says 'yup' ?! Oh, golly oh gosh he's gonna freak out oh god. You threw your phone onto the couch and went to the kitchen to get something to drown out your sorrow. After making a sandwich, you retrieved your phone and sat at the table. There goes your potential lover. Not that you thought of him that way! Totally no lewd feelings for him at all. And now he thinks you're a creep- BEEP. You choked on your sandwich. You lunged over the table for your phone and stared at the screen.

-Good! I thought I had the wrong number or something else. How are you anyway?

Did he just... not think you were a creep? In hurry, you texted back.

- I'm good! You?

You stared at the screen waiting. Wow, he was a slow typer. After a while, you began to eat our sandwich again. There was another beep just after you're finished.

- I'm doing relatively well. Considering Sans just told me a horrible pun.

You actually giggled at that. This 'Sans' character was definitely someone that could get a kick out of Gaster. Your eyes widened at the next text.

-Um, actually, do you want to meet him and his brother? I'm going to see them today. Don't feel pressured to say yes!

Meet Sans? Hmmm. That actually sounds pretty cool. And his brother, he'd be nice to meet too! Although, you want to spend some independent time with Gaster first!

- Sure! That'd be cool! But can meet at the coffee shop first! I want to chat a bit before we meet them.

Your ground your teeth together. Was that too forward? Or was it rude??? You just didn't know! You clenched the phone for dear life, waiting for a response.

- Sure! See you there!

Wow, both you and he both texted a lot of exclamation marks. You looked down. You certainly weren't dressed to go outside. You dashed to your room like a madman on a mission and practically jumped to your closet. After much consideration, you settled on a plain shirt, (f/c) hoodie, black tights, and boots. You walked downstairs and bounced out of your home, elated. You locked the door and started to walk to your second favourite place in the world. First being your bed.

It was your favourite place because you got to see Gaster there! The trip went surprisingly quickly, and soon you were pushing open the door. You made your way to the back, where an anxious-looking Gaster was waiting. Again you said the best conversation topic starter in the world as you sat down. "Hi." He quickly replied with a sigh of relief and his own "Hi." You smiled at his yellow blush. You chatted for at least an hour before Gaster looked at his watch.

"For Asgore's sake! We're going to show up late!"

Panic. You tried to help but you felt like you were just going to make the situation worse. "I walked here, so I don't have a car. Sorry." He simply nodded and looked like he was debating something. He sighed and reluctantly said," I have a way to get there in time, but it might be a bit uncomfortable for you." A yellow blush became apparent.

"I'm fine with anything as long as we get there in time." He stood, you quickly copying the action. He went around the table and held his hand out to you. Blushing, you took it. Ignoring stares from other humans, he pulled you in close. You were blushing so hard right now. "Hold your breath." were his only words before you were engulfed in inky blackness. It was like that for a few seconds. In that time, he was still holding on to you. A blur of colour and you were in front of a house decorated with Christmas lights.

The blissful heat left you, and he was only holding your hand. He turned with a face full blush. "Hope that wasn't uncomfortable." You shook your head no, and he sighed in relief. He let go of your hand and knocked on the wooden door. After a few seconds, and some crashing from the inside, the door opened revealing two skeletons. One short, wearing black basketball shorts and a blue hoodie with a grey shirt underneath. He also had a pair of slippers, with socks on as well! the taller one had some armour looking thing on with a crimson scarf and red, knee-high boots. The shorter one was the first to say anything.

" ICE to see you two." The taller one screamed in rage and Gaster sighed. Well, at least you knew which one was Sans.

Coffee Shop - Gaster x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz