What You Fight About *Golden Trio Era* ✔

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"Y/n, why? What? All I did was eat the food you prepared for me-"

"You peghead, you fat arse, you lazy, ignorant, stupid, pathetic, useless, excuse of a human, that food WASN'T FOR YOU. You dumb blood cell, that food was for my mother and us. How IGNORANT and USELESS do you have to be to not notice that I was cooking all day, and HOW STUPID do you have to be to forget my mother was coming back from the goddamn hospital today. THAT'S IT! GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU ON THIS PROPERTY AGAIN UNTIL YOU BECOME USEFUL AT SOMETHING! NOW GO." All he did was stare at you with his mouth open, shocked. He closed his mouth after a few moments, stood up, grabbed his stuff and left, finally realizing how badly he messed up. This time, he wasn't sure he could win you back.

Draco Malfoy: Draco was struggling. That was obvious. At least to you, it was. All-day, all the way into the night he invested his time into this cabinet. You knew why, of course. You were one yourself. It just so happened that your family was respected in the dark arts, so you were not involved in Draco's punishment. In fact, the Dark Lord himself forbade you to help him, because the Dark Lord knew that you were skilled enough to fix the cabinet in a day. But, here you were. Trying to help him. 

Every day, you would go up to the Room of Requirement, to offer your help, but every time he would reject you. He would reject the food and water you brought up to him; he would reject your attempts to care and comfort him; he would reject your tips and instructions, claiming that he could do it himself. But you never gave up. You would continue to endlessly give your love and care and help Draco, no matter how heartbroken you would be at the end. It hurt you so badly to see him like that. 

Once, you left school for a few days and went to the Malfoy Manor, and there you begged and pleaded with the Dark Lord to take the pressure off Draco. He said no and dismissed you, and the second time you went and pleaded, he was not as forgiving. He tortured you so badly for pleading for Draco's mental state that you could not walk for the next few days, and you were exhausted for weeks after. You still never gave up. One night, you had enough of Draco rejecting your offers to help. You got off the stool you were sat on, walked over to the cabinet and pushed him out of the way.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" You stiffened at Draco's voice. It didn't sound like him at all. Usually, it sounds polished and rich, with a charm in it that sounds cunning and malicious. Now, it sounded unkempt and aggressive, like he spent all his time shouting. "I'm helping you, Draco." You were annoyed at him, and you made sure that he noticed it. "I don't need your help, y/n. Both of you were headstrong and never backed down from an argument.

"Yes, you do. You're not saying the spell correctly. You have to roll the-" you were cut off by arms wrapping around you and removing you from where you were standing.

"Draco -umph- let. me. go.""No. Y/n, I'm supposed to be doing this alone. You being here is annoying me and making me distracted. I can't focus."

"Look, Draco, you'd be doing it wrong anyway even if I weren't here. You need HELP. I'm sorry, but you aren't smart enough to complete this task by yourself. Draco, please, please, let me help you." As you spoke, you noticed that his gaze was getting darker and darker. You, however, were not nervous. "Y/n, if YOU were smart enough, you would leave me alone and not talk to me. So shut up and leave. I don't need your help." He was yelling at this point.

"No, YOU shut up. If it weren't for you always fighting that bloody Harry Potter and letting your arrogance and pride get in the way you wouldn't be in this situation. Do you know why the Dark Lord gave you this task?" You took a step forward. "It's because he knew you wouldn't be able to do this alone. So LET me HELP you so you don't hu-" Your sentence was cut off by a painful sting on your cheek. You looked up, holding your face and glared at him with as much hate and disappointment as you could muster; it was pretty obvious that he had just slapped me. Upon realizing what he had done he took a step forward, remorse taking over his previous anger. "Y/n, I-" He stopped walking when you flinched and backed away from him.

"Save it Draco, good luck completing this without me." Your voice was steady and hard, despite the tears that were accumulating in your eyes. You gave Draco one last look before hightailing it out of the room. It was at this moment he knew, he fucked up. 

Cedric Diggory: Cedric for the millionth time: I'm so sorry. Please Cedric, just forgive me, it was a stupid mistake." 5th block Potions had just ended, and unfortunately for you both, you had added powdered root of asphodel instead of infusion of wormwood. You were desperately pleading with him to talk to you, as he was giving you the silent treatment. It's not like the potion was an important assignment anyways. It was just an everyday assignment, you know.

"Y/n, shut the hell up and leave me alone."You were shocked, as well as the people around us. This wasn't the Cedric you knew. This Cedric was unforgiving and cold and didn't take into consideration your feelings. You had enough. You started to go off on him, telling him how You felt and telling him that it was a mistake that fortunately Professor Snape recognized and understood. It didn't take long though for you to realize that Cedric wasn't listening. You were appalled.

"...lings you bastard, like wha- Cedric! Are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?!" You tried to look behind you to see what he was staring at, but his stupid broad shoulders were blocking you view. And, it didn't help that You were only 152cm, so you barely came up to his shoulders, as he was like 182cm.

"No." was his blunt and quite rude response. "Now y/n, shut up, and leave me alone. And stay here." Well fuck me hard, he didn't have to tell me to shut up. The instant he spoke, you were shocked into silence. Like honestly, how rude. And with that, he walked around you, like you weren't even there, and headed right towards Cho Chang. Wait. Cho Chang. Holy fuck what the hell?! Last time you checked, he practically backhanded her because she tried to break us up. Maybe he's apologizing because he feels bad? You wouldn't put it past him, his personality is like honey, it's so sweet and smooth; literally perfect. You couldn't hear what they were saying, so you inched closer to them. You just stood there, with your arms crossed, waiting patiently for them to finish talking. You wish you had interrupted them though, because their conversation was anything but pleasant. To you, anyways.

"...appy. Cho, would you grant me the pleasure of being the luckiest man attending the Yule Ball?" Ok, that was it. You walked over, but the gut feeling in your stomach told you that it was already too late.

"Cedric," Cho started, smirking at you the entire time, "I would love to." You felt bile rising in your throat; this was not happening; this couldn't be happening. No. NO. You felt tears tearing up in your eyes, but no matter how hard they tried, you wouldn't let them escape. "Cedric," your voice quivered. "You aren't actually doing this? Please tell me you're not." You couldn't help it. Your tears fell. "Cedric, please, please, look at me." He wasn't turning around. You didn't know what was happening. All you knew was that your heart was shattering into tiny shards that were shattering over and over again the longer you stared at his hard back. But now was not the time to be depressed. You gathered up the pathetical ball of courage inside you and willed your tears  to stop flowing.

"Well, Cedric. Since, you're so willing to not be with me, maybe, just a small little suggestion, maybe we should.... break up." You had mixed feelings about this break up. Yes, you loved him and it absolutely crushed you to say those words, you couldn't help but feel a bit in control, for once in your relationship.

"Y/n, what the heck?" Oh yeah. You almost forgot about Cedric. He was staring at you with the most disgusting, pathetic and helpless look on his usually beautiful face. "All I did was ask her out."

"Sure Cedric, that's all you did. You know what Cedric, fuck you, fuck your future relationship, Bye." With that, you flipped him off and walked away, tears breaking through your strong facade the second your back was turned. You lifted a hand to your face and wiped your tears away. Little did you know though, Cedric was crying too, watching the best thing that ever happened to him walk away, hating himself for breaking the best person he knew.

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