part three - happily ever after

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Simon's ride back to the palace was long and tiresome. Strangely enough, he felt lonelier than he had before he left for Penelope's.

There was Baz, for one thing. Baz, who Simon had kissed. (Simon hadn't even kissed Agatha yet. And he's marrying her!)

There was Penelope, for another. Penny, who would tell Simon he was off his rocker. He could hear her rationalizing the kiss in his head. ("You only kissed him because you don't want to marry Agatha!") (He decided to ignore Penelope's nagging voice.)

Simon took to isolating himself when he got home. He only left his room once, to eat dinner with his family, then returned to confinement in his quarters.

No one came to bother him.

"He needs rest for the wedding," Simon's mother had told everyone.

Simon wakes late the next morning, which resulted in a lecture from his mother at breakfast.

"You're a prince, Simon. You can't be late!"

Simon grunted, and angrily sipped his juice.

After breakfast, Simon took to wandering the palace as everyone else rushed around, finalizing everything for the wedding, just hours away.

The prince had thought that a good night's sleep would rid him of all his worries, but, he woke up with the image of Baz still looming in his head.

Baz. Fucking Baz, the charming tosser. And his fated enemy, for Crowley's sake!

Of course he had to go and kiss Baz.

But he was there. And Simon had wanted to.

He had really wanted to.

Simon pushed Baz out of his mind the best he could, and tried to focus on Agatha. He has to marry Agatha. (Though, recent events have made Simon even more opposed to the wedding.)

He let his mother fuss over him, pushing him in his room, then out once in his uniform. She led him to the carriage, and together, they left for the chapel, where Simon's fate would be sealed once and for all.

They arrived at the church, much sooner than Simon had wished, and before he knew it, he found himself standing at the altar, hundreds of eyes watching him gleefully.

He watched as Agatha walked down the aisle, the train of her dress dragging behind her. Agatha smiled at Simon when their eyes met. He gave a shy smile back.

When Agatha reached the front of the chapel, she stepped forward, and joined Simon where he was standing.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Prince Simon and Princess Agatha in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

The room was silent. Simon's heart was pounding in his chest, as he wished and prayed that someone would interrupt the wedding. To find a reason for him not to marry Agatha.

But, Simon realizes, there is a reason.

Simon is in love with Baz.

"I can't," Simon finally said. He could hear his mother gasp from where she was sitting.

"Agatha, I'm sorry," Simon said to her. "I can't do this. To you, or to me."

"It's okay, Simon," she assured. "Really. I wasn't sure I was able to do this either."

"Hey!" Simon laughed.

She shrugged, and grinned at Simon, as he kissed her cheek. "

Simon then took a breath, before running out of the church, leaving everyone inside confused.

Simon could hear his mother's shoes clacking on the tile behind him. He kept walking, though, only stopping outside when he heard his mum's voice.

"Simon, stop!" she cried out at him.

"Mum, you know I can't marry Agatha."

"But you have to!"

Simon sighed, and turned to face her. "Why?" he asked, throwing his hands up in frustration. "Because I have to?"

"You can only become king once you've married, Simon. Only then can you defeat Morsu."

"Why do I have to defeat them? Because of an ill-fated treaty? That was years ago."

"Morsu stole from us, Simon. They broke the truce."

"They've since repaid us!"

"Simon," his mother begged. "Please, you have to."

Simon walked towards her, and grabbed her hands. "I'm sorry, Mother, but I can't. I don't love Agatha. I..."

He paused, for a moment. "I'm in love with someone else."

Simon's mother closed her eyes, before opening them again, and smiling at her son.

"Go on then," she said, nodding Simon on.

Simon smiled back at her, and the two embraced.

"Thank you, Mother," Simon said, as he ran off, away from the church. Away from Agatha, away from his father, away from his subjects.

He ran on, towards Baz.


The ride to Morsu was longer than Simon had remembered. He had only been there once, with his father, on royal business. (Simon couldn't remember any of that trip - perhaps because he slept the whole time.)

The two men standing guard at the gates reluctantly let Simon in. (Simon thought this was because he was supposed to be getting married.) He ignored their stares, and rushed onwards, to the palace doors. He slides off his horse, and runs inside the palace, scanning every corridor and room for Baz.

Simon found him in the library, violin tucked under his chin, bow held above it.


Baz lowered the instrument, and set it down. "Simon? What happened to the-"
Simon rushed forward, cutting Baz off with a kiss. Baz indulged in it, only for a moment, before grabbing Simon's shoulders and pushing him off.

"Simon," Baz gasps, staring at him bewilderedly.

"It's off," Simon says, reaching for Baz's hands, "the wedding's off,"

"What? How?"
Simon shrugged. "It doesn't matter, though. Nothing does, except you! Except us."

"Simon, how can there be an us?" Baz sighed.

"I don't know," Simon admitted. "But, I'm willing to try if you are."

Baz stared down at his feet, before meeting Simon's eyes.

"You're worth the fight."

Simon grinned at Baz, who pulled Simon forward and pressed their lips together.

"Simon Snow, no matter what, you'll always be worth fighting for." 

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