Chapter Three

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Derek finally got to school and immediately got papers, pencils and other various objects thrown at him. He dodged feet put out in front of him that were meant to make him trip. Derek heard a few names thrown at him but ignored them, for he had been called worse. Mostly by his step-father. When he got to his locker, small peices of paper were stuck all over his locker. Each one of them said something along the lines of 'loser' or 'outcast'. Just a bunch of hurtfull words, but nothing Derek hasn't seen before.

Some of them actually made him chuckle. Derek started ripping them off but changed his mind and left them up. Surely everyone in school had already seen them. He opened his locker and got his books that he needed out. Derek headed for his first class, Science.


It was now lunch time. Derek switched out his binders for his last three classes after lunch then head to the cafeteria. He never usaully ate anyway so he sat at the back of the lunch room. Alone. Derek looked around the room at all the seperate tables. It was just like your typical high-school lunch room. The table of jocks. The tables of prissy girls. The table of nerds and outcasts. The tables of drama and band students. The table of popular people. Then, the last table, all the way in the back. Derek's table. Which he shared by himself.

Derek was leaning his head on his hand with a pencil in his other hand. He was sketching a drawing of a swing set which held a small girl. Out of no where, Derek saw a chunk if brown, sloppy "meat" fall on his picture, right onto the girls face! Then all of a sudden, that food was covering him too. Snickers and murmers echoed the large room. Derek looked up at the man who dumped food on him. It was Johnny Wilson. The schools most known athlete. He played football and baseball. He gets all the girls he wants and every guy is friends with him. Except Derek. And Johnny hated it.

Johnny laughed so hard at Derek's hopeless face. He clenched his stomach and almost fell over.

"Next time, don't be so vulnerable, Derek dumbass." Johnny and his 'crew' walked away, chuckling at his poor jokes. Derek looked down and frowned at the slosh covering the girl in his drawing. He actually sort of enjoyed that picture. He picked it up and through it into the dumster across the room. On his walk over there, everyone saw his new food outfit. There were some gasps but mostly just snorts and chuckles.

Derek heard names being thrown at him again. It was just starting to hurt at this point. He ran out of the lunch room. He got to the men's bathroom and stepped in.

Derek walked over to the mirror to see his messy self. He wiped at his eyes to get the "meat" out of his sockets. He didn't do a good job though. Derek just wanted to go home. Wait, no he didn't. He dread that his father would beat him again.

Derek hatched an idea, he would leave school now and just walk around town for the next three hours. But maybe first, he'd take a shower in the gym locker room. He knew that no one was in there right now, for it was lunch.

Derek quickly scampered to the gym locker room. He opened up his locker to find a fresh pair of clothes laying there. Those clothes have been clean since the beginning of the year due to Derek never participating in gym. Derek gently picked them up, carefull not to get any muk that was on him onto the clothes. He then hurried to the showers and flicked one on. He stepped inside the icy water and let it wash away the food. Once Derek was a bit tidier, he turned off the shower, dried off, and got dressed. Then, it was off to town he would go.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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