Are You My Ride Or Die?💔😓

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If i turn into a basket

Will you touch my silky skin and lay with me in the casket?

Will you choose to leave all your pain and problems?

For me, don't forget you failed to solve em

You know there's a better place

Where no one will no longer see your face

Where things will go your pace

Where you will always win the race

But you chose to stay

All because of friends you not even sure if they love you lame

I know you are ambitious fame

But don't forget enemies and friends same

All I did in your life was to come know your name

Now I know who you are pain

Not only to yourself but to others that's the main

You live life just in vain

Your road to life is blurry

Nobody can help you because you don't believe in fairies

Not even eye glasses will clear the road

Unless you change your mode

And get a new everything load

And all your problems fold

And your past old

And your future take it as a mold

You can't take back love and kindness you sold

Whoever you love don't push away just hold

Their hands and say everything is going to be OK , my happiness

I know I can't give you venues

But you the reason my life has peace n sense

Let's suicide

Together Let me leave you to decide


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