Chapter 2

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"Olivia I need to talk with you about something. Please take a seat." Dr. Saltzman directed the girl to the chair across from him. Olivia complied and sat in the chair. Around her were Rafael and Hope. Olivia was still completely drained emotionally from yesterday and really wasn't up to talking. The witch noticed how conflicted Rafael seemed, it sent off alarms in the girls head.

"What's going on?" Olivia asked while looking to Raf for an answer.

"It's Landon," Rafael said, Olivia immediately tensed up. She feared something had happened to him.

"What happened? Is he ok, Raf please tell me he's ok?" Olivia begged while standing up and standing in front of the werewolf.

"He's fine, but what he did isn't." The older man said while standing and sitting on the edge of his desk.

"What do you mean Dr. Saltzman. I thought you compelled him to go back home?" Olivia asked getting more worried.

"You can call me Alaric," Olivia furrowed her eyebrows at such the uncommon name. "Olivia your brother never went home he hopped on a bus and left. Hope was able to track the bus but when we went, there wasn't much left to the bus or anyone in it."

"Before he left he stole an artifact from the library, a knife. In the wrong hands it can do a lot of damage, which it seems it already has." Hope explained angrily.

"Landon wouldn't do that I've know him, he wouldn't hurt anyone like that," Rafael spoke up, addressing Hope's recent statement.

"Yeah well that bus full of people speaks otherwise now doesn't it." Hope said sassily to the werewolf. Rafael growled in Hopes direction feeling his anger rise.

"What happened to the other people on the bus?" Olivia asked still not up to date on what had happened. Hope looked to Alaric not wanting to deliver the news.

"When we found the bus, everyone inside was dead. The only one not there was your brother and he had the knife." Olivia shook her head in disbelief, Landon couldn't be responsible for something like this.

"Your lying," Olivia said in disagreement. Hope walked toward Olivia and put her hands both side of the witches neck.

"I'm going to show you something." Olivia nodded her head and awaited the thing Hope was about to show her. All of the sudden flashes of Landon began popping into Olivia's head. One where he was holding the knife, it began to glow red. And then the final image showed. It was of burnt charred bodies on the bus. With that Olivia pulled away from the tribrid, her eyes wide in horror.

"Did you see that?" Olivia asked Rafael, he shook his head and looked down. Olivia's head was so scatter brained in that moment she could barely even hear herself think.

"Where going after him before anything else happens, but we need to know if he would run anywhere specific if we caught him?" Alaric asked, as he began packing things in a bag.

"No I don't know where he would go." Olivia answered as she continued to watch the head master gather his things together. "I'm coming with you." She demanded.

"That's not necessary..." Alaric began to say before being cut off by the Mikealson girl.

"Alaric just let it happen. She needs to come with us." Hope interrupted, the older man looked at Hope questionably but agreed anyway.

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