Lodge Lodge*

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By the end of the week, the plan to go to 'Lodge Lodge' as Veronica called it was all in place. Archie's car had been packed up with everyone's luggage, with him, Jughead, Veronica and Betty driving in it, while Cheryl and Toni took their bikes, and Sophia was going on Sweet Pea's. She hadn't booked her driving test yet, despite having had a moped licence back in the UK. They set off after school on Friday, saying goodbye to the rest of their friends.

"Fangs, Tom, you're in charge while we're gone." Jughead said. "If anything happens, call us."

"Will do." Tom said.

"Just have fun." Fangs said. "We got this."

Archie led the way to Shadow Lake, with the others on the bikes following behind. When they got there, those who hadn't been before looked in awe.

"Wow, Ronnie. This is super chic." Cheryl said.

"It's amazing." Sophia agreed. "I can't wait to see the inside."

"You're in for a treat." Betty linked their arms and led the girls inside while the boys got the luggage. They walked into the lounge area.

"Wow. This is very cabin in the woods. I love it." Toni said.

"Thank you." Veronica said. "Each couple has their own room."

"I don't think anyone would've come if we had to share." Archie joked.

"You gonna show us these rooms so we can all get rid of our stuff and freshen up?" Sweet Pea suggested.

"Of course. Follow me." Veronica said.

"Are me and Betty in the same room as last time?" Jughead asked.

"Yeah, and so are me and Archie. You can go straight up." Veronica said. "Cheryl, Toni, you're in here." She opened one door. They went up some stairs, the same way Jughead and Betty had gone, and further up the corridor. "And this one's for you two." Veronica said.

"Thanks, V." Sophia said.

"No problem. Get settled in, but be downstairs in half an hour, I'm making cocktails," she replied, leaving them alone.

They unpacked some of their stuff, freshening up. Sweet Pea laid back on the bed.

"Comfy there?" Sophia chuckled.

"Yeah, actually." Sweet Pea replied. "Come here." He took her hand and pulled her on the bed so she was straddling him.

"I'm actually so excited to have a proper couples weekend." Sophia said.

"And I'm excited to spend some proper quality time with you." Sweet Pea grabbed her wrists and pulled her forward, kissing her. 

"This is going to be great fun." Sophia kissed him again. "I suppose we better go downstairs."

"Do we have to?" He asked, kissing her neck.

"Don't start this now. We're here to hang with everyone else, too," she said.

"I know. I just love having you with me." Sweet Pea said.

"I've said it before, Pea. For a supposed badass you really are a softie." Sophia giggled, leaving a sweet kiss on his lips.

The group reconvened in the lounge.

"Here we are. A Veronica Lodge Special." Veronica handed out cocktails to everyone.

"Mm, oh my God, V, these are amazing!" Toni said.

They had a few more, just sitting around and chatting, sharing thoughts. After a while, Cheryl put her glass down and clapped her hands together.

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