“Shit Nate GO!” Getting past the work shed and had about 15 feet to go until we got to the house.

“Aurora STOP!” I heard behind me. It was Grady, thinking that his authorative voice would work on me. I didn’t let it work though. Grady was dead to me. We got to the porch and ran into the house. I went into the coat closet to get Nate’s shot gun.

“Get more Nate, we need more.” He ran into the office and came back with his double barrel shotgun and more ammo. “It’s not going to kill them, but it will hurt them until we can heal with them.”

He went to walk out first but I would not let him. I slipped out the door and saw Grady in human form standing in front of five wolves.

“Aurora, oh my mate, how I have missed you. I need…”

I interrupted him. “No Grady, I am not going anywhere with you or your mutts, leave now. I REJECT YOU.” I yelled at him as his very went very stern.

Grady started laughing. “Stupid girl, you think that would work on me? We are fully mated, can’t reject me.”

“Just leave Grady; can’t you see that she has moved on?” Nate asked trying to help.

Grady looked from me to Nate and sneered. “So what’s the deal, you fuck him and he lets you stay here? What an arrangement, maybe instead of putting you in that attic, I should have just let you roam around thinking that you are free.”

“Leave him out of this Grady; I am not going back with you so just forget about it. You took so much from me; my freedom, my virginity and my girls.” I fought hard to keep my emotions back and let him know how hurt I was. “Go find yourself someone else to give you a son, say it’s mine for all I care, but I will not go anywhere with you. You are a pathetic excuse for a future Alpha, and I hate the Moon Goddess for giving me a mate as sick and sadistic as you.” It was two years worth of anger and it needed to be said.

“That’s Alpha to you mate.” He smiled at me and it made my stomach turn.

“What, How, We did not take the vow and that is the only way for you to become Alpha, unless, no, you didn’t.” I gasped thinking about what he did.

“I sure did, I challenged my father for the Alpha position and he barely put up a fight. It was amazing when I ripped into his throat and help his life leave him. So not only as your mate, but as your Alpha I am commanding you to come with me.”

I felt the control of his words hit me and I almost walked forward without being in control of my own body. Nate grabbed my shoulder and snapped me out of it.

“No Grady, that will not work on me. You died along with my first baby. There will never be a place for you in my heart.”

One of the wolves behind Grady growled and started stalking forward. “Stop Ben, she will willingly come with us, unless she wants her little human killed.”

“Don’t even think about it Grady.” I looked back to Nate who was just glaring at Grady with pure hatred in his eyes. I then saw Helen coming out the door.

“What’s going on out here? Nate, what is all the yelling about?” She asked as she walked up next to me.

“Helen go back inside please.” I pleaded with her without looking at her.

She was taking in the scene before her. “Not until I am told why there is a half naked man in my front yard with dogs.”

Grady started shaking. “WOLVES!” Grady yelled as the five wolves growled. “Do not call us dogs!”

“US? What the heck is he talking about Blue?”

“Helen please, I don’t want you involved in this, please go back inside and lock the doors.” I would not forgive myself if something happened to her.

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