🎨Chapter One🎨

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Chapter One|| Girl meets Enemy

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Chapter One|| Girl meets Enemy

"Watch where the hell you're going!"

If I wasn't angry enough from early this morning I was now. Getting myself up from the floor I lifted my sleeves to my elbows, and clenched my fist by my side.

"Why don't you watch were your going?! If you did maybe you would have seen me and moved away! I dropped all of my Art supplies because of you!" I answered back looking at the guy while running my hands through my hair. I admit he was handsome but he was a jerk.

"Of course you have Tattoos." He scoffed, "Only people with tattoos have short tempers." He said rolling his eyes.


"I said Only people with tattoos have short tempers. Are you deaf?" He retorted.

"Okay that does it!" I lifted my fists and punched the guy square in the jaw really hard I heard his neck crack.

He fell back to the floor holding his jaw with his left hand. He looked shocked to say the least. Agony written all over his face. That's what you get from messing with me.

"What the Fuck?!" He got up and looked passed as hell. He grabbed me by the collar and threw me into the floor. I kicked him and he landed on his butt.

"Don't ever push a lady again and never talk bad about a person because they have a tattoo!!!" I got my art supplies up from the floor and stormed away out of the hall and into my classroom.

"Isuel, Jagi, what's wrong love?" I bet you $1000 I had smoke emitting from my ears.

"Jimin-ah! Some guy bumped into me and blamed me for it! He then had the audacity to say it was because of your artwork. Soipunchedhimandhefellbutthenhehadtheaudacitytofuckingpushmesoikickedhimandleft."

"I did not understand a single word."

Taking a deep breath I explained everything slowly. "Some guy bumped into me and blamed me for it! He then had the audacity to say it was because of your artwork. So I punched him and he fell but then he had the audacity to fucking push me so I kicked him and left."

"What the hell? Who does that?" Jimin asked me.

"A guy who is always judging people and deserves to suffer."

"Alright class! Today we will be drawing nature! Be sure to be inspired. Make art your own." Mr. Lee told us

Class passed by in an instant. So I decided to go to the cafe before my shift started. You may be wondering "If you're rich why do you work?", my answer is to get away from home and make some extra cash.

I couple weeks ago I signed a lease to a penthouse. The bill is pretty expensive but well within my price range. The bonus to the penthouse is that it's only 10 minutes away from the University and 20 from my job. 

I work at a cafe more on the rich side of town but nobody recognizes me. I try my best to keep this job hidden from my family as best as I can. So far the only people that know are my close friends, the people who I am able to trust my entire life with. The job pays $15 an hour and is fairly popular between the locals in this area. The food and drinks are crazy expensive in this cafe though.

Arriving at the cafe I instantly greeted my manager Ji Eun. She is the sweetest person i've met, after Jimin. She has become like a mother to me in the time that i've worked here. 

"Hey, Ji Eun! How are you doing today?" I ask her as I go behind the counter and grab my uniform and name tag.

She looks at me when answering, "I've been okay how about you darling?"

"I've been doing better just a couple more days until I can move into my new place." I answered while putting on my apron and washing my hands.

"That's great, hun!" She said with a smile on her face. "Well, i have to leave early today so i'm leaving you alone tonight, Sorry."

"Okay, i'll see you soon!" I exclaimed as she walked out of the cafe.

I heard the cafe door minutes after she left. I looked up and was caught by suprise.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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