Chapter 43, The Choice.

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Etrius felt so confused.

"I... didn't jump." He said.

"Good." The man said, "Princess Cytheris would have been upset if you had tried a suicide mission."

Etrius felt so confused, the guy came out and Etrius didn't recognize him at all, he held his hand out to him.

"You should probably hurry." The guy said, "Otherwise you'll miss your chance to say goodbye."

Now Etrius felt even more confused, the guy got out of his way and gestured to the door they were near, Etrius began to go through.

"I don't like it!" A young boy shouted.

Etrius looked to see... Andreas, but he was really young, he was standing in front of a man, he looked up at Andreas.

"There's nothing we can do." The man said, "We've already explained everything to you."

"But I don't want her to hurt!" Andreas said as he grabbed the man's arm.

The man sighed as he scratched the back of his head, he noticed Etrius.

"Can you talk to him?" The man asked, "He just doesn't want to listen to me."

"I'll go find Codros." The guy said, "I know he'll listen to him."

"Please." The man said.

Etrius turned to the guy as he started to leave, he had an aching feeling he's seen him before, but just couldn't remember where, Etrius looked back at the man.

"Princess Cytheris is in the other room." He said, "She refused to continue until she talked with you."

Etrius just continued, he went into another room and saw a beautiful woman sitting on what looked to be a throne, she was holding a golden crown, she looked up at him as he came in, she was quick to stand up.

"Echepolus." She said as she set the crown down.

"Um..." Etrius trailed off.

She quickly ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck.

"I'm so sorry..." She said softly, "But it's for my people, and my lands."

Etrius didn't know what to do, he just gently reached up and placed his hand on her back, he pat it slightly, she moved away from him and cradled his face.

"Our daughter will return when the time is right." She said softly, "And until the day she revives our home, I will wait for you."

Etrius didn't know what to say, she finally let him go and took a few steps back, she was staring at Etrius silently.

"Please..." She said quietly, "Please keep goin even after this."

She turned and began to head back to the throne, Etrius felt someone touch him and he flinched slightly as he looked down at them, he saw it was Sarath, she had tears streaming down her face, Etrius took a small step away from her, she stepped away from him as she wiped her eyes, she looked up at the woman before she let out a loud cry.

"I don't want to!" Sarath cried, "I don't want to do this."

Etrius reached down almost instictively and placed his hand on her back, he then began to push her over to the woman.

"You're not doing anything wrong." He said, "This has to happen."

She sobbed heavier as Etrius and her stopped in front of the throne, the woman was quick to lean down and hug Sarath.

"You are very brave for doing such things to those you love." She said, "And no matter what, I shall always love you as my own."

Sarath sobbed heavily into her shoulder.

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