Chapter 7

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Nia's POV

"Hello, I would like to change the name of "White Girls" to "More Than Race."

I've been really sneaky so far!


Said the lady at the entry desk.

"More Than Race it is!"

Then I heard a voice behind me.

"Oh, but that won't be necessary.

My team will be performing White Girls."

I turned around to see the one and only Abby Lee Miller.

Of course.

I'm going to explode right now!

The lady at the desk looked confused.

"So is it White Girls or More Than Race?"

I wanted to stand up for myself and my race, but I couldn't find the strength to.

"White Girls."

Abby replied.

"And Nia,

You and the other girls are in some big trouble."

Christi's POV

Where the heck did Abby go?!

The girls are going onstage soon!

She obviously doesn't care about any of these girls except Maddie.

She didn't even congratulate Chloe after her solo!


Finally Abby came in.

"Moms, why don't you go get a bite to eat before the group dance?"

Is she nuts??????

Jill looked confused too.

"But Abby,"

Jill asked.

"The girls are going on soon!"

"That's okay!

Ill make sure they do great.

Now go!"

This is ridiculous.

"I don't know what you are trying to pull, but we aren't going anywhere!"

Suddenly the cameras turned off.

One of the producers told us,

"Moms, just go.

It will amp up drama for the show!"

"There's no way I'm doing that!"

I yelled.

"You signed a contract!"

The cameras turned back on, and we were forced to leave.

I just hope the girls are okay.



Go Nia!


I don't know what to put in this A/N so...


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