Dating Johnny Cade

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Dating Johnny would include....

-spending a lot of time at the lot
-him not wanting/letting you smoke
-him getting very protective of you
-the gang adores you
-Dally telling you not to break his heart
-Dally slowly getting protective of you
-thinking of Dally as a big brother
-sweet kisses
-him complementing you on everything
-being around ponyboy 24/7
-clinging to him when you don't feel comfortable
-sneaking him into your room when he can't handle his parents
-cuddling sessions
-him playing with your hair
-he hates it when you put on makeup because your beautiful without it
-always stealing his jacket

-spending a lot of time at the lot-him not wanting/letting you smoke-him getting very protective of you-the gang adores you-Dally telling you not to break his heart-Dally slowly getting protective of you-thinking of Dally as a big brother -sweet k...

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Word Count- 122

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