Chapter 6: Movie Night

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Exam grades weren't going to be revealed for a while and school was on break till the new year, so the duo had plenty of time to be together outside of school. It wasn't terribly cold so they could still do outdoor activities and ride Mondo's motorcycle. But ever since that night after the carnival, something was different. It was definitely tense, that much was certain. But was it awkward tension? Sexual tension? Muscular tension? It was hard to tell. They planned to hang out and watch movies but both worried they would make the other uncomfortable. Would that stop them? Of course not!
Mondo headed to Ishimaru's house to pick him up. Ishimaru saw him pull into the driveway and ran outside. Mondo was surprised to see Ishimaru with his hair slicked back. On the other hand, Ishimaru was shocked to see Mondo's hair was down in a low ponytail.
"Hello Mondo!" He grinned
"Hey Taka" Mondo greeted happily as Ishimaru got on the motorcycle. Once he was on, Mondo drove off.
Ishimaru held on tight and stayed close to Mondo since the breeze was a little chilly and Mondo was fairly warm. Mondo didn't mind, Ishimaru was keeping him warm so he didn't protest. They made it to Mondo's house and headed inside. It appeared that Mondo had built a pillow fort for their movie night.
"Welcome to Fort Coolness!" Mondo exclaimed putting his arm around Ishimaru "only you, me, and daiya can get in cause we're cool" he winked. Ishimaru chuckled.
"I wasn't aware I was allowed in, maybe you have so much coolness it compensates for my nerdiness" he joked.
"Nonsense, you're super cool!" Mondo retorted.
"Not as cool as you!" Ishimaru exclaimed.
"Children, there is only one clear answer. Ishimaru is way cooler." Daiya intruded
"Betrayed by my own brother!" Mondo huffed.
"What can I say, he's way cooler than you" Daiya shrugged "too bad though, i would consider you cool but you're gonna miss our fun night out with the gang"
"I promised to hang out with Taka and so I shall do that. I don't think he'd be very fond of 'gang night out' with everyone" Mondo explained
"What is gang night out??" Ishimaru piped up
"Well..." Mondo trailed off "It's when the gang rides around town basically looking to get in a fuckin' fight. It's pretty intense but I don't want to drag you to that if you're uncomfortable with it" He elaborated.
"Oh.." Ishimaru mumbled.
"I personally enjoy it but I also like watching movies with you" Mondo smiled "its up to you"
"As fun as it sounds I think I'll sit this one out. Maybe next time" Ishimaru winked. Something about that made Mondo very scared but very attracted to him.
"Alright then, you kiddos have fun" Daiya laughed before leaving. The two grabbed some snacks and drinks and entered the pillow fort.
"How long did it take you to build this?" Ishimaru inquired
"Longer than it should've, honestly" Mondo huffed
"Well I think it's neat" Ishimaru smiled at him, eliciting a small blush out of Mondo.
"You're not too bad yourself" Mondo smirked putting an arm around Ishimaru. Ishimaru's face went hot as he tried to one up Mondo by scooting closer and laying his head on Mondo. Ishimaru definitely won this silent battle, cause Mondo was too flustered to retort. They sat there for a moment in silence, not sure what to talk about. Ishimaru finally thought of something to break the silence.
"I'm sorry...about the other night" he mumbled "I wasn't thinking about the consequences"
Mondo looked at him confused "What are you talking about?"
"The kiss! I kissed you without permission and then ran off like some deviant stealing candy from an infant!" Ishimaru exclaimed "I can't tell if you're mad at me for it, if you're happy, if yo-" Ishimaru was cut off by lips smashing into his own.
"You worry too fucking much" Mondo muttered pulling away "and if that didn't answer your question then I don't know what will." He paused for a moment "What movie do you want to watch?"
Ishimaru just sat there stunned. Mondo huffed "I guess we're watching this weird movie Daiya recommended, Brokeback Mountain. Looks like a cowboy movie or some shit"
It in fact was much more than just a good ol' cowboy movie. Unfortunately, they found this out the hard way. About halfway through, they finally caught on to what this movie was really about. Gay cowboys babey!! For the rest of the movie Ishimaru and Mondo had at least a foot of space between them. Not cause they were mad at each other or anything, they were just really embarrassed by the movie. Plus both were feeling a little something inside them but that was not welcome in this pillow fort environment!
Once the movie was over they sat in silence not sure how to get rid of the awkwardness in the room. After a solid 10 minutes of silence, Ishimaru finally broke it.
"So you were ok with me kissing you..?" He mumbled
"Yeah, you were ok with me kissing you?" Mondo replied
"Yeah.." Ishimaru looked down embarrassed while pondering for a second "did you want to go to the gang thing with daiya?"
"Well yeah, of course I did. But I'd rather be here with you than out there with him. Plus I didn't want you to get hurt" Mondo confessed
"Oh..thank you" Ishimaru smiled sheepishly "Maybe someday soon I'll prove myself and be allowed to go" he winked
"That won't be for a while" Mondo chuckled "I care too much about your safety" he accidentally voiced his thoughts out loud
"I appreciate your concern but I am just as strong as you!" Ishimaru proclaimed
"You wanna bet?" Mondo raised an eyebrow. Ishimaru nodded, challenging him.
Mondo tackled Ishimaru to the ground trying to pin him down but Ishimaru's legs wrapped around Mondo's waist, flipping them so that Mondo was now pinned.
"Damn you're fast!" Mondo huffed as he pushed Ishimaru off with his legs. The two continued to tussle till they were both sweaty and tired. Ishimaru had Mondo on his stomach with his arms behind his back.
"Do you give up?" Ishimaru panted.
"Never!" Mondo yelled with the very little energy he had left. Ishimaru chuckled straddling Mondo's back.
"I won't let go till you give in!"
"Then you're gonna be there forever!" Mondo grunted
"I can wait!" Ishimaru retorted before he burst out laughing "this is so silly"
"It really is" Mondo acknowledged letting a chuckle escape. Ishimaru let go of Mondo's arms but Mondo quickly turned the tables and pinned him to the floor
"Haha you've been tricked!" He declared as Ishimaru squirmed.
"How could I have been so foolish!" Ishimaru huffed giving up and accepting his fate
"You're my prisoner" Mondo snorted, picking Ishimaru up
"You're hardly a police officer" Ishimaru teased "always getting in trouble with the hall monitor for being late or running"
"To be fair, he just likes seeing me. He thinks I'm hot as fuck! He can't go a whole day without making up some excuse to see me" Mondo smirked
"Are you sure that's the case? I've heard you get in trouble on purpose so you get to see him" Ishimaru grinned. Both looked at each other and simply started giggling at how silly this all was. Mondo was still holding him so he decided to milk the moment for all he could. He spun happily, causing Ishimaru to hold on tighter. They both fell down, landing safely in the pillow fort. The pair laughed looking at each other as they laid there under the fleece blanket serving as the fort roof. They stared into each other's eyes wistfully. Neither had let go and there was little air between them. Ishimaru smiled shyly as Mondo smirked. It was the perfect moment. The two attempted to close the gap with their lips. They could feel each other's breath before a loud noise broke them from their fantasy. It was Daiya's motorcycle. Mondo mentally swore to himself to get back at Daiya for this.
They separated before the older Owada brother came into the house and just acted natural. They did this by fake sleeping. Horrible fake sleeping, but Daiya was too exhausted to tell the difference. He stumbled upstairs and was down for the count. Mondo and Ishimaru woke up from their false slumber and they decided that it'd be safer to just have Ishimaru sleep over rather than drive him back home at this hour. Mondo lent him some clothes as makeshift pajamas. Oh boy was that a treat! You'd think a t-shirt and shorts would be innocent enough, but you'd be wrong! The shorts and shirt fit Ishimaru comfortably, but they also highlighted every curve of his frame. Every. Single. One.
Mondo, being his gentlemanly self, averted his eyes as much as he could but that could only do so much for him. The gay panic was all too real to him at the moment. Ishimaru didn't really notice anything wrong with the clothes, but did note they smelled like Mondo a lot. He found it kinda soothing.
The two decided Mondo's bed would better suited for sleeping than the pillow fort. They laid facing away from each other, but it didn't last long. Neither were 100% asleep yet but both turned towards each other and scooted closer. For warmth, yknow. Mondo was a little more awake than Ishimaru, so he kissed his forehead gently.
"Good night Taka" Mondo whispered eliciting a tiny smile from the sleepy Ishimaru. And off to sleep they both went. 

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