Chapter 10 ~ Shame

Start from the beginning

The girl grabbed the box of tampons and looked at me with a smirk, which was replaced by a disillusioned face. Yeah, she must think I have a girlfriend.

My credit card was taken from my wallet and I payed for the tampons, finally.


Her brown strands of hair fell on her face murmuring a low "thank you". Oh, this was far more funny than before.

Today I'm taking Henna to a restaurant, it was decided in one of our previous meetings. Sometimes, I wish I didn't put myself into this mess, not because I think about Henna's feelings, of course I don't. But this is like drugs, we can't get out of it, he doesn't let us. And the whole point of doing this, was to help Gemma, and thank God, she's fine already.

She's actually the only person I care about, and nothing's going to change that. She's my sister, she was always there for me, unlike somebody else. In her weakest moment, I had to help her, and that's when I met him, my boss. And I hope I never did.

My thoughts were soon interrupted as I noticed Henna staring at me. Her brows were furrowed, while she pressed both of her lips together, I knew she wanted to say something, she just didn't know how.

Before she talked, her eyes met the ground. From what I knew about Henna, she only did that when she was scared, which I bet it's exactly how she feels right now. "When can I go out?" Her tone of voice was low, how could she be afraid of me, if I'm not even the worse? "I mean, really out. Alone."

And I have to remember, I have to be nice to her from now on, I can't lose my patience. It looks completely impossible. "Tonight we're going out." Brown eyes finally met mine. "I'm taking you to a restaurant."

Crossing her arms, she frowned. Something she does when she doesn't get what she wants. "But I said alone."

I rolled my eyes. "Henna, if you keep being like that I won't even give you your fucking phone." If a simple look could kill, I would be dead by now. I think that part where I have to make her love me will take longer than expected. "Now, dress something you like."

"You don't own me." And this is why I lose my patience, she acts like a baby.

"Yeah, because in this past few days you did everything you like." Irony was felt on my sentence, precisely what I wanted to do. Henna only shook her head, walking towards my bedroom. If she could only be always submissive like this.

Before I could notice, she was back with jeans, like she always wears, and a white t-shirt. My eyebrow was raised, wasn't she taking a jacket? Oh yeah, must be like those hopeless romantic girls. It's so cold. - Here, take my jacket. Not doing that. "Won't you grab anything more to dress?" Henna looked confused as I got up from the couch I've been sitting for minutes. "It'll be cold." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh." She nodded and in a matter of seconds she was back with one jacket for me and for her, making me furrow my brows. She's not okay for sure. "You said it's going to be cold so I brought one for you." She rolled her eyes, the same as I did previously. "Or are you expecting me to borrow mine? Hopeless romantic." She sighed, but I noticed she was being playful.

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