9 ° Bad Blood

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Kapaula, Maui Jay House

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Kapaula, Maui Jay House

Saturday 11:27 am

I woke up laying on my stomach in so much fucking pain and still fucking angry. I'm sure Jay stupid ass put somthing my in drink to make me fall to sleep. I wasnt trying to sleep at all. She lucky I didnt go back over there and finish beating her ass.

I cant fucking believe that bullshit happened. I had to get stitches on my shoulder, my side, my fucking palm of my hand, the back of my neck. I had bruises all over the mother fucking place.

I wanted to strangle her ass to death. Who the fuck did she think she was fucking me? Jude no bitch!

"Here stupid" he said handing me a cup

"And fuck you too" I said

"What you was going to murder each other infront of yall kids?" He asked

"Yall kids?" I asking laughing

"Yes bitch yall kids, why yall have so much drama. Yall bitches should be on each other side, damn. Me and Nina hate each other guts, but I'll be damn if I ever put my hands on her or disrespect her like Sunday said yall was doing each other when she called me crying"

"Kai mouth I'm sick and fed up of that shit. I'm done, marrying her was a mistake"

"You know damn well it wasnt, who you trying to fool"

"Look at me nigga" I tried to stand up

"And have you seen her? She got giant ass bruises and knots on her legs her lip busted wide open, she gave herself stitches, she got a ring around her fucking neck and her arms, bruises all over her stomach, damn man she already beat cervical cancer, you been gone with no contact for how long, Kai did fucking damn good. I'm not on either of you niggas side, but you should be proud as fuck of her my nigga"

"Did you say cancer?" I asked trying to sit up

"Damn man, why yall dont be talking and shit?" He asked

"Jay what the fuck you say?"

"She had cervical cancer, she found out after she had Manson little smart ass, look shes fine now shes good, but you too, this ain't never okay" he said and walked out the room

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