Broken Heart(Stingue)

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"I'm sorry Sting-sama." Yukino choked, tears streaming down her pale cheeks.
"It's alright Yukino, you can't help who you love." Sting said, his voice soft.
Yukino sniffled and lifted her head, her eyes meeting Sting's. On his face he wore a smile, and she smiled back up at him.

Behind Sting, Rogue watched as Yukino told Sting she was in love with someone else, Minerva.
Rogue watched as Sting's shoulders subtly tensed up as Yukino said the five words that brought Sting's world crashing down.
"I'm in love with Minerva-sama."

Rogue watched Sting smile, and watched Yukino hug Sting gently in appreciation. He watched as Sting nodded, smiling at Yukino as she walked away towards the front of the guild to go find Minerva.
He watched the sadness lingering around Sting as he walked into his office. And he watched as the atmosphere in the guild grew thick with apprehension.

Rogue sighed, standing up from his seat.
Frosch didn't notice Rogue leave, as he was playing a game with Lector.

Rogue walked to the back of the guild and behind the bar through a hidden door. He came into a small hallway lined with a few doors, walking down the hall until he reached the very last door.
Rogue went to knock, but as he hit the door with his fist it swung open lightly. Rogue, with a bored expression, walked into the room.

The room was dimly lit, and Rogue peeked up as he heard a small sniffle.
"Ah, Rogue. What're you doing here?" Sting asked.

Rogue looked to his left and saw the white dragon at the small, old wooden desk in the corner of the room. The bright lamp on the desk was turned on, the chain swinging back and fourth as Sting blew on it lightly.
"I'm here to see you if you're alright Sting." Rogue said, turning to look at his blonde haired partner.

Sting let out a short, distorted laugh. He looked down and shook his head, smiling back up at Rogue after a moment.
"You already know the answer to that. You were always smart like that." Sting joked weakly.
He kept his eyes trained on the old water stains that littered the desk.

Rogue frowned, walking up to Sting.
He came up next to his chair and put his hand down on Sting's shoulder.

The sudden touch caused Sting to pick his head up slowly, furrowing his eyebrows at his partner.
"You can talk to me, you know that right Sting?" Rogue asked.
Sting noticed the concern swirling around Rogue's deep red eyes.

Sting smiled, genuinely this time, and placed his hand on top of Rogue's.
"Yeah, I know." The blonde said softly.

Sting looked back down at the desk, his smile falling from his face.
Rogue looked around and noticed the small twin bed in the other corner of the room across from Sting's desk. He took a seat on the bed, laying his back against the wall.
Rogue sat quietly, waiting for Sting to say something.

It was a painfully long minute or two before Sting finally sighed loudly, standing up and coming over to the bed. He took a seat next to Rogue and closed his eyes as he rested his head against the wall.
"I really like her Rogue." Sting said, keeping his eyes shut lightly.

Rogue looked at his best friend and partner, the person who he cares about the most. And evidently the person he's in love with.

He smiled sadly, sorrow flooding his veins as he watched Sting suffer the pain of rejection.

Rogue looked down and noticed Sting's hand next to him. He put his hand down on top of Sting's.


The sudden warmth of Rogue's touch startled Sting, and he opened his eyes to look over at his best friend.
Sting was shocked at the sight.

Rogue was smiling softly down at their hands, his cheeks rosier than Sting had ever seen them. Sting knew about the affections Rogue held for him, he had known for awhile.

Rogue laced his fingers through Sting's and squeezed his hand, moving their hands to Rogue's lap.
"I know Sting, I'm sorry." Rogue said, now closing his eyes in contentment.

It has seemed to Sting that Rogue sensed it too. The calm that had washed over Sting when Rogue held his hand.
So Sting smiled, squeezing Rogue's hand back.

"Thanks buddy." He said.

Rogue chuckled, humming.

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