40. Keeping Secrets

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Mr. Panitchayasawat's POV

My Lord!

It has happen again!

I'm in a meeting when the head of my son's security calls me and say that something happen. They brief me a little on the phone but I instantly know, he's getting triggered again.

I reach the hospital where they brought him, directly met with the security head outside the VIP room.

"What happen?"

"Today, Young Master goes to school with Young Master Kongthanin and park their car at the parking lot behind the school. We have been waiting for them there. However, after thirty minutes, they still have show up so we try to track them. We found them and another student being surrounded by some men. Young Master Kongthanin is injured and Young Master has attack a few of the attackers too. We gave chase but some of them manage to get away. We have captured some of them. Later, Young Master just collapsed, right after he gets to Young Master Kongthanin."

He's really triggered again.

"Where are those boys?"

"Young Master is inside the room with Young Master Kongthanin. He... doesn't want to let him go, even when he lost his consciousness. The other student is in the next room, getting his treatment. Master, what should we do about the attackers?"

"Keep them first. Interrogate them. I want to keep this issue in the dark. No police, no media. Zero exposure, understand?"

"Yes, sir."

I turn towards the VIP room, wanting to meet with my son. However, something else is taking my interest. Who are those guys? My enemies? I haven't been targeted for so long and now my son is being attack? No warning, no threats. Nothing.

My mind keep spinning, thinking about any possibilities, any connections to my recent dealing that might have resulted to this attack.

So far, none.

I push the door open. I can see they have put up the two bed together. My son-in-law look worse that I thought while my son look pristine as usual. Their hand are intertwined together at the center. If this wasn't a ward and they both are not unconscious, I would say those two are just sleeping, looking sweet together.

I close the door again, wanting to give them some peace before everything. I walk over to the next room, to the other student. I need to know what really happen before I make my move.


Beam's POV

It really hurts!

When they brought me here, it didn't hurt that much. Maybe... I was running on adrenaline.

I take a look around this room. This is not just any kind of ward, it's a freaking suite. The walls, the drape, their sofa and other furniture. The only thing here that resembles any ward equipment is the bed. The white high bed with railing on the side.

"Okey, boy. You are done getting wrap up. Try not to move your shoulder for a few weeks. I would suggest you keep the sling on."

"Thank you, sir. Would you mind if I meet with my friends now?"

Upon arriving here, they put me in a separate room, all by myself. The nurses told me the doctors are checking on Phana first, since he have the most injuries.

"Your friends are asleep. Rest here first. I'll the nurses inform you when they are awake."

I nod in agreement as I make myself comfortable on my bed. As soon as the doctor closed the door, I suddenly realized one thing.

Ah... do I need to call our parents?

Since those guys that brought us here is Nong Yo's bodyguards, I assume his family already know about it. But what about Phana? As I know, he live alone. As for me, I live with my parents, but they are busy too.

But still... I think they should know.

I turn around, trying to get to my phone when a sudden realization hits me, I don't have it with me. Plus... My bag is absent too.

Shit! It must have been left behind when they brought us here.

"Hey, boy. Where are you going?"

I was struggling to get down from the high bed with one working arm when all of a sudden someone call for me. I didn't even realized he was in my room when all of a sudden he was already ten feet from my bed.

"Ah, hello."

I sit on the edge of my bed, my feet hanging on the side, facing him. I take another look at him. He's an handsome elderly gentleman, wearing a dark blue suit, looking neat and suave. He looks familiar.

"How are you doing, son?" He asked.

"I'm fine, sir. But may I know who are you, sir?"

"I'm Wayo's father."


The senior finally realized why the gentleman looks so familiar. That is Mr. Panitchayasawat himself. That man has grace the cover of multiple business magazines and financial section of the news paper multiple times. How did he know? Blame his ohter for leaving such magazines on the table in their living room.

"Oh, I beg your pardon, sir, for not recognizing you sooner."

The senior proceed to stand, wanting to give a now of respect. However, he was stop by the gentleman.

"No worries, son. Sit down, I just need to ask you a few things."

The gentleman take a seat on the sofa right next to bed while the senior scoot himself up the high bed again. The man ask about what have happen, asking the senior to spare no detail on in.

Minutes pass by as the senior tell his story. From how he leech on Phana, asking for a ride home, to the sudden attack from the black clad men. He tell the gentleman about the moment his junior was taken from their protection and how Phana was beaten when he retaliate.

"I am very sorry, sir, for not being able to keep Nong Yo save. But you son is a badass himself, sir. Unfortunately Phana have already passed out when he take charge. Man, he will be so shock to know later."

The senior ends his story with a light chuckle, remembering how his junior whipped the associated of their attackers. He freely tell his story as the gentleman assume a calm and moderate temperament, flailing to notice the tense behind his eyes while hearing his story.

"Son, about Yo, can you let it be a secret?"


Mr. Panitchayasawat POV

Now I know what's triggers him.

According to this boy's story, my son only react when my son-in-law was beaten black and blue. It may have triggers the other personality in him.

I may have to contact Dr. Rangmongkul to check up on him again. It has been awhile... But he is the only doctor that know about Wayo's condition.

For now...

"I don't want Phana to freak out, plus... Wayo wouldn't remember about it. Can you please keep this to yourself, son?"

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